Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 6 of SNAP!!!'s "GeoWoodstock13 and more" trip!

For those that are just joining us, Nana & I have had this 9 day geocaching trip scheduled for almost a year with daily TARGETs we hope to do each day.  Here is a recap of the previous days.
Near "Tip of the Tongue"
Day 1 Target - travel to GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 2 Target - Events prior to GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 3 Target - GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 4 Target - Train Trestle Falls (GCT397) - accomplished
Day 5 Target - State Game Lands #109 (GC184) - accomplished
Scenery on the way to "The Spot"
What follows is a brief report on some of the caches we found during day 6.
Scenery along the way to "The Path"
We started early in the morning and we made it to Naples , NY in plenty of time to get the caches in the area long before the heat set in!
The path to "The Spot"
GC2FK18 - Tip of the Tongue - this cache was on the list as the cache just before our main cache of the day.  Wonderful area, plenty of scenery and we sure are glad we sprayed down before heading in to the woods for this one!  Loved the creek running through the area near GZ.  Great cache, nice hide, favorite point awarded.
Nana at "The Spot"
GC39 - The Spot - The oldest cache east of the Mississippi had to be the TARGET cache of the day!  Parked in the coordinates for the cache and sprayed down, took, water and hiking stick and set off across the field towards the cache.  It was a beautiful day and the start of the hike to the cache (0.4 mi total) was very pleasant.  Even as the hike progressed, the downward slope of the hike only increased every once in a while.  That was until about two thirds of the way to the cache.  That is when we realized that there must be hidden cameras nearby.  This would make a good event for downhill skiing but the slopes are getting a little trying.  Eventually we found the cache.  Really not sure how anyone could possibly miss it.  Traveled all this way and now we have the oldest east coast cache under our belts... all we have to do is <gulp - as I look up that steep slope we just came down> yep - all we have to do is make it back to the SNAP!!!-mobile!  Being no where near as young as I used to be - I said to myself - let's try 50 or so steps at a time.  We can do this for sure!  Uh.... nope!  How about 20 steps at a time!
Papa resting!
I could keep going like this or I could simply tell you that there are numerous trees that now have claw marks on them from where I used them to get back up those hills!!  I remember leaning back on a tree resting for like the 2 millionth time when Nana said those 4 little words that made my day!  I was leaning up against this tree, sweat dripping off me so fast the tree was thanking me for watering it when Nana came from around the corner and said "I see the van!"  We made it!  (of course we did, I already told you it was a nine day trip!)  Note:  The distance from the parking (at N42 40.414 by W077 20.252) to the cache is 0.401 straight line miles, the elevation change is 337 feet.  Favorite point awarded, of course.
The SNAP!!!-mobile is in sight!
One of the Virtual caches we did was GCB546 - It's a Wonderful Life.  This cache was awarded a favorite point for numerous reasons.  "It's a Wonderful Life" has always been one of my favorite movies of all time but imagine my surprise when I found this Virtual that is on the bridge that was used in the movie.  Thanks to mama Bear for placing this cache here and bring a tear to my eye as we found the answers to all of your questions!
The view from the bridge at "It's a Wonderful Life"
We traveled a lot on day 6 and really didn't find but 12 caches - 7 Traditionals, 1 Earthcache and 4 Virtuals.  The good news was we awarded 6 favorite points!!!
The grave of Harriet Tubman
Day 7's blog will cover "exactly how far we will go to get Nana a "shiny white" rock as well as the caches found that day!  Until then...

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa!!! - - - or just plain ol' - - - SNAP!!!

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