Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Two quick things that are picnic related

#1 - I have updated the last link on the 13th ANNUAL GCHR PICNIC information page of this blog.  The last link (#19) on that page contains some SNAP!!! recommended caches in teh area that did NOT make the top favorite points in each city.  I am sure I will be updating that page numerous times before the picnic... so check back often.

#2 - Here is a list of events surrounding the 13th ANNUAL GCHR Picnic.  No, you do not have to attend them all - but you are more than welcome to attend as many as you can!


Friday Evening Meet and Greet  (GC5Z6Z0) - Hosted by Geocaching Hampton Roads - Stop by this event and pick up your registration packets and swag early. 5:30 p.m. to  7:30 p.m.
Muffin A Go Go (GC5XRNJ) - Hosted by Muffin Mavens - Quick stop on the way to the main event.  7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
13th Annual GCHR Picnic (GC5CQ70) - Hosted by Geocaching Hampton Roads - A full day of activities! - 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
CITO in Sandy Bottom (GC61X3W) - Hosted by AMEarhart - A great way to end the day by helping another local park. - 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
It's All Just Trivial:  GCHR (GC60ARB) -  Hosted by Failed Apparatus & Geocaching Hampton Roads - A fun event to finish out the weekend. Make a team and show up!
Come on out and join the fun!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Other Great Caches in the Hampton Roads area worth checking out:

 With the 13th Annual GCHR Picnic fast approaching, I figured I would put together several lists detailing the best caches around the area.  Today's list will be the best caches, based on favorite points, in the city of Suffolk.

The red dot (next to the "Y" in York) is the approximate location of the picnic.

For more information on the picnic - click here

Here are some other caches that are worth visiting:

I have listed the top caches in each area around Hampton Roads but there are other caches we personally would recommend.  Here are some that come to mind.  Friends and fellow cachers - I am compiling this list from memory.  If you feel one of yours should be listed here: drop me a line! 

1) GC4TTVJ - A Trackable Wormhole - Destination Australia - hidden by SNAP!!! - yep, we are plugging one of our own caches.  If you have trackables that you want to travel far distances, then this is the cache for you.  Drop your trackable in this cache and several times a year the Wormhole is activated and the trackables are mysteriously transported to a cache in the land 'down under'.  Yep, you heard that correctly.  And it doesn't cost you a thing!!!  Located in the downtown Suffolk area.

2, 3 and 4) - B.Y.O.B series - GC4RHNF, GC4R9K1 and GC4R264 -  all 3 of these caches are well worth the drive to the eastern part of Virginia Beach.  You will not be disappointed.  All 3 were created by the CachinCousinz - they are a very creative duo.

5) GC5TRPC - North of Tower - hidden by snowurchin - a fairly new hide and not to far from the picnic.  Just one more cache that didn't make any of the other lists.

6) GC5RAQT - Mate in One - also hidden by snowurchin - as long as you stopped by #5 above you might as well grab this one also.  Located a very short distance away from the above cache.

7) GC5KWYP - Twisted - hidden by geospillz - this cache is NOT for the novice cacher.  Be prepared to search for some time.  THIS IS NOT an easy cache BUT well worth the visit.  

8) GC4HJYY - Hide a Key - hidden by pattycake3 - for my friends down in "Da Carolinas" (sorry, it's an inside joke) - this is a really nice cache that is not to hard to find but may take some time for you to open.

I may add to this list as the picnic approaches.

In the meantime, plan your trip, plan your caches but most of all...

Stay Safe & Keep Caching.

Hope to see y'all at the picnic.


Monday, August 24, 2015

Top 10 Caches in Suffolk

Suffolk Top 10 Caches by Favorite Points

 With the 13th Annual GCHR Picnic fast approaching, I figured I would put together several lists detailing the best caches around the area.  Today's list will be the best caches, based on favorite points, in the city of Suffolk.

The red dot (next to the "Y" in York) is the approximate location of the picnic.
For more information on the picnic - click here

Here is the list for Suffolk – top 10 caches based on favorite points earned:

Note: Suffolk beach is a huge city.  From the picnic it will take between 1 to 2.5 hours to reach different parts of Suffolk.

1.    GC503GY – SNAP!!!-land #001 – 64 favorite points - hidden by SNAP!!!.  This is the first of a 100 cache geo-art that spreads across Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: Can't really comment on my own cache but it is the largest geo-art in Virginia

2.    GC1DMYR – Lone Star Cache and Key – 43 favorite points - hidden by XTERRR2000.
This a terrific cache located at Lone Star Lakes Park in Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: A terrific cache and a nice hike to get it.

3.    GC3611F – Log It! – 41 favorite points - hidden by toystory2.
A nice cache located in Sleepy Hole Park of Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: A great cache - well worth the visit

4.    GC3WVK3 – SNAP 84 – The Winner of the Race – 31 favorite points – hidden by SNAP!!!
Another nice cache located in Lone Star Lakes Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: Again, can't comment on my own cache but be prepared for a hike!

5.    GC1JQMP – Constantia Site – 30 favorite points – hidden by landru1701.
A very nice multi cache located near downtown Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: A terrific multi-cache in a very historic cemetery.

6.    GC38X48 – SNAP 58 – Nana & Papa’s Final Resting Spot – 28 favorite points
– hidden by SNAP!!!  This puzzle cache is located at a very historical
location near downtown Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: Again, no comment.

7.    GC3D9DZ – SNAP Bling Trail #006 – 27 favorite points – hidden by SNAP!!!
  This fun little cache is located on the Suffolk Seaboard Coastline Trail,
 a rails to trail, located outside downtown Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: Again no comment

8.    GC44PNY – I Can't Find My Finger – 21 favorite points – hidden by southtexas.  A nice and easy puzzle located in Northern Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: An easy puzzle and a great cache

9.  GC35X09 – Thick and Thin – 19 favorite points – hidden by cadavis0609.
A tricky little cache located in a nice park near northern Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: The name will make sense in the end!

10.  GC50BY8 – SNAP!!!-land #100 – 17 favorite points – hidden by SNAP!!!
The other end (the last) in the series of this geo-art (see #1 above).
11.  GC2WYYE – Roadside Nano – 17 favorite points – hidden by kan1stv.
A clever little cache located near downtown Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: Tricky but it is there!

12.  GC44PQW – Something to Chew On – 19 favorite points - hidden by steve-n-kim.
Another easy and cute cache located in northern Suffolk.
Note from SNAP!!!: Another easy puzzle for another great find!

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!

Top 10 Caches in Isle of Wight County

Isle of Wight County Top 10 Caches by Favorite Points

 With the 13th Annual GCHR Picnic fast approaching, I figured I would put together several lists detailing the best caches around the area.  Today's list will be the best caches, based on favorite points, in the city of Isle of Wight.

The red dot (next to the "Y" in York) is the approximate location of the picnic.
For more information on the picnic - click here

Here is the list for Isle of Wight County – top 10 caches based on favorite points earned:

Note: Isle of Wight county contains the lovely city of Smithfield.

1.    GC3PTB0 – Smithfield’s Porcine Parade – 45 favorite points - hidden by chihuahuak94me.
  This a terrific puzzle cache located at downtown Smithfield.
Note from SNAP!!!: one of our all-time favorite caches

2.    GC18G9M – Woodland Correspondence – 36 favorite points – hidden by chihuahuak94me.
A great cache located in Carrolton Nike Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: A great cache - nice hike also.

3.    GC2NYVE – Off the beaten path – 32 favorite points – hidden by muskrat1337.
A very nice cache located in Windsor Castle Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: A nice cache in a huge park

4.    GCH51T – Smithfield’s Other Claim to Fame – 31 favorite points – hidden by Golfhaus.
This is a nice virtual cache is located near Smithfield.
Note from SNAP!!!: Another really nice virtual cache

5.    GC1WQAD – Bronze Statues Hold the Key – 29 favorite points
- hidden by chihuahuak94me.  Another great puzzle cache in downtown Smithfield.
Note from SNAP!!!: Great Cache - it will take you on a tour of downtown Smithfield!

6.    GC21H59 – Brick Chimney – 21 favorite points – hidden by chihuahuak94me.
This is a fun little cache is located in Windsor Castle Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: another nice cache in a lovely park

7.    GC316FH – schoolhouse museum – 21 favorite points – hidden by chihuahuak94me.
A nice little cache located at a historic schoolhouse in Smithfield.
Note from SNAP!!!: a nice cache in a historic location

8.    GC21GWW – Cache on a stick – 20 favorite points – hidden by chihuahuak94me.
Another nice cache located in Windsor Castle Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: just another great cache!

9.    GC22AJF – SSB – Fort Boykins Historic Park – 18 favorite points
– hidden by Star-Spangled Banner.  A great little multi-cache located
in a historic park north of Smithfield.
Note from SNAP!!!: Historic location - nice cacche

10.  GC1605B – All Gave Some, Some Gave All – 14 favorite points – hidden by zazth
and adopted by Chihuahuak94me.  A nice little cache in the heart of
downtown Smithfield.
Note from SNAP!!!: Great location - tricky little devil

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!

Top 10 Caches in Chesapeake

Chesapeake Top 10 Caches by Favorite Points

 With the 13th Annual GCHR Picnic fast approaching, I figured I would put together several lists detailing the best caches around the area.  Today's list will be the best caches, based on favorite points, in the city of Chesapeake.

The red dot (next to the "Y" in York) is the approximate location of the picnic.
For more information on the picnic - click here

Here is the list for Chesapeake – top 10 caches based on favorite points earned:

Note: Chesapeake is another huge city.  From the picnic it will take between 1 to 2 hours to reach different parts of Chesapeake.

1.    GC2C7GF – A Cryptex Trading Cache – 85 favorite points - hidden by ARONK76.
This puzzle cache is hidden somewhere in Oak Grove Lake Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: A terrific puzzle plus a terrific hide!

2.    GC190EK – EVIL – 71 favorite points - hidden by Frogmen83.
The name says it all for this 5/5 rated cache.
Note from SNAP!!!: A MUST-DO CACHE!

3.    GC37AQ2 – The Dark Side – 58 favorite points – hidden by southtexas.
A very nice cache located near the Chesapeake Arboretum.
Note from SNAP!!!: A fun cache that will make you smile!

  4.    GC1T5BD – HR Alphabet Soup: K is for Mr. Krabs & Krusty Krew –39 favorite points
– hidden by Geocaching Hampton Roads.  This tricky little cache is actually
a memorial to a cacher.  Enjoy the hike through Northwest River Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: A nice hike to ground zero for a great cache!

5.   GC49973 – UP, UP, and AWAY – 38 favorite points – hidden by CachinCousinz.
Another really nice cache located in Northwest River Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: Another fantastic cache from the cachin cousinz!

6.  GC4TCGP – LPS Tick Cache – 37 favorite points – hidden by Shonda181.
This tricky little cache is should bring a smile to your face.
Note from SNAP!!!: Put this cache on your to-do list!

7.  GC42PC0 – Woodland Skirt Lifter – 31 favorite points – hidden by Mom&Dad2L&L.
A unique cache.
Note from SNAP!!!: A unique cache that is well worth the visit!

8.  GC3ET6Y – Get A Clue #6 – 29 favorite points – hidden by Team 757 Flex.
A lovely cache located behind a new Chesapeake City Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: A great cache!

9. GC42K05 – Camo Over Easy – 28 favorite points – hidden by Mom&Dad2L&L.
A lovely little cache.
Note from SNAP!!!: Another cache worth your visit!

10.  GC4R8BR – Frankencache – 25 favorite points – hidden by The Mad Scientist.
A great little cache that will bring a smile to your face.
Note from SNAP!!!: Another cache worth your visit!

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!

Under Construction

 Last Updated August 10, 2024 This site is under construction  but..... I update this page as I keep adding things Here are some pages that ...