Monday, August 24, 2015

Top 10 Caches in Chesapeake

Chesapeake Top 10 Caches by Favorite Points

 With the 13th Annual GCHR Picnic fast approaching, I figured I would put together several lists detailing the best caches around the area.  Today's list will be the best caches, based on favorite points, in the city of Chesapeake.

The red dot (next to the "Y" in York) is the approximate location of the picnic.
For more information on the picnic - click here

Here is the list for Chesapeake – top 10 caches based on favorite points earned:

Note: Chesapeake is another huge city.  From the picnic it will take between 1 to 2 hours to reach different parts of Chesapeake.

1.    GC2C7GF – A Cryptex Trading Cache – 85 favorite points - hidden by ARONK76.
This puzzle cache is hidden somewhere in Oak Grove Lake Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: A terrific puzzle plus a terrific hide!

2.    GC190EK – EVIL – 71 favorite points - hidden by Frogmen83.
The name says it all for this 5/5 rated cache.
Note from SNAP!!!: A MUST-DO CACHE!

3.    GC37AQ2 – The Dark Side – 58 favorite points – hidden by southtexas.
A very nice cache located near the Chesapeake Arboretum.
Note from SNAP!!!: A fun cache that will make you smile!

  4.    GC1T5BD – HR Alphabet Soup: K is for Mr. Krabs & Krusty Krew –39 favorite points
– hidden by Geocaching Hampton Roads.  This tricky little cache is actually
a memorial to a cacher.  Enjoy the hike through Northwest River Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: A nice hike to ground zero for a great cache!

5.   GC49973 – UP, UP, and AWAY – 38 favorite points – hidden by CachinCousinz.
Another really nice cache located in Northwest River Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: Another fantastic cache from the cachin cousinz!

6.  GC4TCGP – LPS Tick Cache – 37 favorite points – hidden by Shonda181.
This tricky little cache is should bring a smile to your face.
Note from SNAP!!!: Put this cache on your to-do list!

7.  GC42PC0 – Woodland Skirt Lifter – 31 favorite points – hidden by Mom&Dad2L&L.
A unique cache.
Note from SNAP!!!: A unique cache that is well worth the visit!

8.  GC3ET6Y – Get A Clue #6 – 29 favorite points – hidden by Team 757 Flex.
A lovely cache located behind a new Chesapeake City Park.
Note from SNAP!!!: A great cache!

9. GC42K05 – Camo Over Easy – 28 favorite points – hidden by Mom&Dad2L&L.
A lovely little cache.
Note from SNAP!!!: Another cache worth your visit!

10.  GC4R8BR – Frankencache – 25 favorite points – hidden by The Mad Scientist.
A great little cache that will bring a smile to your face.
Note from SNAP!!!: Another cache worth your visit!

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!

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