Monday, July 25, 2016

Beginner Tips, Upcoming events and Trip Recap (Part 1)

Beginner Geocaching Tips

It's summertime which means there are all sorts of beginner geocachers out there trying to find that ever-elusive first find.  Here are just a few tips to help those newbies!!

1) Read the cache page.  There are all sorts of tips that could help you find the cache.  The best place to look is right on the cache page.

2)  Practice a little humility.  You are new - there are all sorts of geocache hiders out there and some are very very good at hiding their caches.  Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it isn't there.  If you do not find it, log a "Did Not Find" log and then come back with fresh eyes another day and try again.

3) Every GPS unit (or phone) has a built in error.  Yes units are getting better, but even the best unit has about a plus or minus 3 or 4 foot error.  If you are in the woods, you can easily have a plus or minus 12 - 15 foot error.  Expand your search area.

4) You have read the hint and still cannot find it.  Try reading some of the previous logs.  Even though you are not supposed to log any info that gives the cache location away, there are sometimes hints as to the location.  

Yes it is hot out there - stay hydrated!!!

Have Fun!!!

Upcoming Events !!!

Thursday – 7/28 – GC6N7N1 – AACC – July 28, 2016 – Held at Elizabeth River Boat Landing Park in South Norfolk from 4 till 6PM
Sunday – August 7th – GC6NMB0 – Mitovirginia Surprise Event – Held at Rick’s CafĂ© in Virginia Beach from 5PM till 7PM
Thursday – 8/18 – GC6P241 - AACC – August 18, 2016 – Held at Western Branch Park & Sports Park in Chesapeake from 4 till 6PM
Thursday – 9/1 – GC6P252 – Held at City View Park in Virginia Beach from 4 till 6PM
Friday – 9/2 – GC6NACQ – Friday Night Meet and Greet – Held at Denbigh Community Center in Newport News from 6:30 till 8:30 PM
Sep 3 - 14th Annual GCHR Picnic. Held @ Newport News Park and is an ALL DAY EVENT!
The Picnic is fast approaching and registration will close soon.

Trip recap - Part 1

SNAP!!! left town on Friday, July 1st and headed towards Nova Scotia.  We also took part of a day and visited Prince Edward Island.   Here are some of the best pics from the first part of the trip.  
Found this near the 1st stage of a multi

The scenery near a virtual
Going down a 2 lane highway, you pull over, climb a hill and find... 
Benedict Arnold's brother-in-law.  All by himself in the middle of nowhere.
Till next time!!!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

Under Construction

  This site is under construction but in the meantime..... Here are some pages that you might find helpful 1.  Best Geocaches in Suffolk, Vi...