Monday, June 27, 2016

Last Week's Best plus some other quick notes!

The Best from the Last Week

Last Tuesday I attended the ever-popular 3rd Tuesday event.  Rick's Cafe was again the meeting place and plenty of geocachers attended.   Thanks goes out to Kim-n-Steve for once again holding the event!

On Thursday we had another AACC event.  The weather held off and we had a great afternoon at City View Park in Virginia Beach!  

On Saturday the 25th Nana & I teamed up with Lynne and Jim one more time.  This time we were knocking out finds, or at least trying to knock them out, on the peninsula!  

We handed out a few favorite points on the day:

GC6J88E - Hidden Grove - A very nice hide in the far corner of this park.  We wandered a bit before stumbling on the container!

The other favorite point we handed out went to:
GC4AENH - Bones - another unique hide by gigiwoll - loved the hide so in addition to the favorite point this cache was also named as the winner of the "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day Award!!!

Upcoming Events !!!


GC6M916 - AACC - July 14, 2016 - this time being held at the Great Bridge Lock Park in Chesapeake from 4-6 PM.

GC6HQ06 - The Opening Ceremony - being held on July 16th at City View Park in Virginia Beach from 9-10AM.

and of course, never forget our upcoming MEGA-event
GC644HX - 14th Annual GCHR Picnic.  Registration is still open.  you can click HERE to see my page for all sorts of information on the picnic including a link to the registration page!

Other notes

Nana & I are putting the final touches on the plans for our trip to GCBBA - Geocache, Canada's 1st Geocache.  All in all we have over 300 caches on our lists for the trip up, while we are there and of course, the trip back.  We made sure we had more caches planned so we never would run out of stuff to find!!!

Till next time!!!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Last Week's Favorite Caches

Favorite Caches from Last week

So on Monday, when we normally post our weekly report, we published a quick report on our major accomplishment - completing all counties and independent cities in Virginia - so here is a quick recap of the caches we found last week and awarded favorite points to.

Alara (one of our caching guru's) and I cached in Northeast North Carolina on June 15th.

GC4HN6H - Hollywood Rodes - this particular cache took us 4 visits to find.  Clever!
Hidden by STL42868

GC4AENH - River Rodes - another clever little cache hidden by STL42868

GC6CQ24 - Harbor Log - Another clever cache (premium only) - hidden in plain
sight by adamwhite - this cache was the winner of the
 "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day for June 15, 2016.


And, of course, Nana & I cached to Charlottesville, VA and back!

GC6FG8C - W.O.H. #1 - awarded this cache a favorite point for the entire series!
Hidden by ssgmag.

GC6DFQ3 - J.O.E. #6 - awarded this cache a favorite point for the series and because it just happened to be find #8200 for us.  Hidden by ssgmag.

GC15ENQ - All Seeing Cache - hidden in plain site at a very historical location - hidden by Heplercache - this cache was the winner of the
 "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day for June 18, 2016.


GC33M0Y - Yum-Yum's Revenge - a nice size cache in a nice location.
Hidden by Heplercache.

GC15ENQ - Clover Cache - hidden in plain site near a very historical location.
Hidden by Fluvanna 4H - this cache was the winner of the
 "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day for June 19, 2016.

Upcoming Plans

Don't forget today's AACC event at City View Park in Virginia Beach.  See GC6K7C2.

Saturday (6/25) we will be geocaching around the Newport News area with jtmlam59.

Next week we will getting ready for our Canada trip.
  Main Target: Canada's 1st geocache!!!  GCBBA

Till next time!!!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

Monday, June 20, 2016


We Did IT!!!

Well, we finally accomplished something we have been working on for quite awhile.  We finally found a cache in Charlottesville this last weekend.  That means that we have found a cache in every county in the state of Virginia as well as a cache in every independent city in the state.
Now we qualify to find the two challenge caches that inspired this endeavor:

GC244RF - Virginia County Challenge which requires you to find at least one cache in each and every County in the state of Virginia - that means 95 finds - just to be able to find one cache!

The other cache is GC244VZ - Virginia Independent City Challenge which basically has the same requirement but this time for the 38 independent cities in Virginia.

Once you meet the requirement, you email your proof to the CO and then they supply the final coordinates to the cache.

notice the 134/134 on the top bar
We have already asked the CO for the final coordinates so hopefully, soon, we will be able to knock out those two great challenges!  

While finishing those two I found two three others I might start working on; 1) GC24QBK Virginia Virtual Challenge, 2) GC39T9M Virginia Towns Challenge and 3) GC3D8MH Virginia Earthcache Challenge.


Please do no forget the page I have been updating: (look to the page list in the upper right of this page:  14th Annual GCHR PICNIC information.



Monday, June 13, 2016

Favorite Points, Last weeks finds and plans

Favorite Points

Awarding favorite points to a cache is a great way to say "Thank You" to the Cache Owner (CO) for placing a great cache.  Nana & I try to give out favorite points each and every day we find a cache.

One of the things we look for when planning a geocaching trip is to look for any and all geocaches with more than 25 favorite points.  We figure if cachers took the time to award that many favorite points to a cache, then it is one we definitely want to find also.  If you are a premium member, you earn one favorite point for each ten caches you find.

One of the things I have been working on here lately is updating our lists of the Top 10 Favorite Caches in each of the cities and counties that both make up and surround the Hampton Roads area.  Note: They can be accessed from the 14th Annual GCHR Picnic Information Page link on the right hand side of this page.

If you are traveling to any area, a quick way to find the best caches in any city is to filter for caches with more than 10 favorite points (or pick any #).

Finds over the Last Week

We found a total of 34 caches last week.  The caches we awarded favorite points to were:

GC5ZJ9N - Old Virginia Beach KOA Marvel - not only a favorite but also was
awarded the "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day Award for 6/11/2016.

GC6E0GN - Get a Hold of Yourself!

GC6HVE5 - Chase's Cache Number One

GC6K65N - Keepin' The Salt Out - not only a favorite but also
was awarded the "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day Award for 6/12/2016.

Other caches we found during the week were (in no particular order):

Canyon's Christmas Cache
Tarzan's Homestead
Torpedo Alley
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Wherigo Crack
Cache Rock Fish
Cache and Release #3
Lynnhaven, Bison #1
Pine Ridge Park
Cache and Release #6
Red Mill #1 - Workout
Red Mill #2 - Golden
Red Mill #3 - Sleepy
Red Mill #4 - Dave''s Daughter
Cache and Release #2
Cache and Release #8
Lynnhaven, Bison #2
Old Pungo Ferry Road - View to the Future
Lynnhaven, Bison #3
Lynnhaven, Bison #4
Lynnhaven, Bison #5
Lynnhaven, Bison #6
Cnc Kidz - No Horsing Around Returns
Mom is ALWAYS thinking about you!
CnC Kidz - Book Worm Returns
Just a Simple Cache...
All about the Base....

Upcoming Plans

This week event is the 3rd Tuesday Event: GC6JYW1 - this month we are back down at Virginia Beach at Rick's Cafe - hope to see y'all there..

On Wednesday I am meeting up with alara and heading down to grab caches in and around Elizabeth City.

This upcoming weekend Nana & I will be in Charlottesville.  Yes, we are returning there to get a cache which will finish off the entire State of Virginia for both Counties and Independent Cities!!!  No, we have not finished the Virginia Delorme BUT... that is in the works - look for further news on this after the Canada trip!

Next week there is an AACC event at City View Park in Virginia Beach.  See GC6K7C2.

Also next week we will be putting the finishing touches on the Canada trip list and starting to pack for that trip.  Main Target: Canada's 1st geocache!!!  GCBBA

Till next time!!!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

Friday, June 10, 2016

12 Weeks to go....

That's right - - - Just 12 weeks until the 14th Annual GCHR picnic!!!

I know that the crew behind the scenes are working very very hard to get speakers line up, separate events scheduled, games lined up for the afternoon, menu items ordered, SWAG items ordered plus a ton of other stuff (including some super-secret stuff I don't even know about) lined up either for your or the your kids enjoyment.

Now, with all that going on here in Hampton Roads, we still need some help from you guys and gals.

We really want to know how many of you are going to come to our picnic!!!

All the great volunteers want to be ready for all of you, and they need to know exactly how big this crowd is going to be.  So we really need you to do a couple of things for us.  

1)  Go to the site for the picnic (HERE) and log a "Will Attend".


2) Register for the picnic at the picnic registration page (HERE).  By registering it helps us not only with the food and the Swag (coins, t-shirts, etc), but it also helps us in other behind-the-scene ways.
Now, I'm sure the people behind the picnic would really appreciate each and every one of you purchasing one of the more expensive packages for the picnic.  But, what you may not know is: there are 7 different levels of registration available.  Yes, the White Oak Trail package comes with a special trackable coin that cannot be purchased anywhere else, but there are 6 others that you can be purchased.  The Swamp Fire Trail package is only $10 and contains a meal ticket, the customized name tag and lanyard.  But I will let you in on a secret - there is a registration package that is FREE.  The free package contains just a customized name tag but it still helps us with our count. 

Please help us out by registering!!!

I am looking forward to talking to each and every one of you.

Once you get to the picnic, look for a small tent, somewhere near the shelters.  I will be there most of the morning handing out general information not only on the park and picnic, but also on the General Hampton Roads area.  I'll even promise to give you hints on geocaches in the area that may be giving you problems!!!

OK - one last bit of info

Up at the top of the page on the right hand side is a list of pages for this blog.  The 2nd page listed is the 14th Annual GCHR Picnic Info page.  If you click there it will take you to a page where there are all sorts of links for different information such as... the best caches in each area around Hampton Roads based on favorite points.  I am currently working on updating each and every link on that page. 

Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks for registering!!!  Hope to see you in 12 weeks!!!

Till next time!!!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

Monday, June 6, 2016

An easy geocaching weekend.

Since we were out of town last weekend, and have two more trips coming up in the next few months, Nana & I decided to slow things down a little last weekend and 1) stay in the area and 2) grab some geocaches in an area we haven't been to in quite a long time.

We didn't put a lot of caches on the list because we knew today would involve quite a lot of hiking between caches.  Once at the park we headed out only to get turned around after a 1/4 mile.  An old trail Papa knew about was no longer available so we turned around and headed "the long way" to the caches.  A little over 2 miles later we happened upon GZ for the first cache.  A few minutes later it had been found and we headed towards the next one.

We continued through the park finding one cache after another on this out-of-the-way trail.

GC14MJR - A Trail That's Not A Trail - Found
GC2F402 - CJS - First landing State Park - Found
GC1EM8G - A Trail That's Not A Trail Part Two - Found
GC4DZNT - Old Seashore - Found

Note: We did not have the Multi-cache "Sushi Bean Memorial Cache" GC20BK2 on our hit list for the day because we had seen a note saying it needed maintenance - BUT - another cacher managed to make the find on it the same day we were out there!

After getting back to the SNAP!!!-mobile we took some time to rehydrate and rest for a few before driving around to the other side of the park and attempting two more caches:

GC5561M - Stump, Stump, SMASH! - another find
GC69M0K - VSP First Landing 80th Anniversary Adventure eluded us.  We looked at GZ (where our GPS put us), we tried at the location a previous finder said it would be, and we also tried where the hint said it would be. We failed in all three places before calling it a day!!!  Would someone out there mind giving us a hint???

All in all, not a bad geocaching day!!!

Till next time!!!

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

Under Construction

 Last Updated August 10, 2024 This site is under construction  but..... I update this page as I keep adding things Here are some pages that ...