Sunday, June 25, 2017

15th Annual GCHR Picnic info - - - and more!!!

Here is the latest on the 15th Annual GCHR Picnic!!!

It is almost time for the next "Annual Picnic"!!!

When: SEPTEMBER 2, 2017

GC Code: GC6WW8C

Is it a Mega? - Nope - not yet
but please log your "WILL ATTEND"
and then come join us on September 2nd.

LOCATION: Chesapeake City Park

Look to the right hand side of this page... 
There is an entire page with links and other information about the picnic.
That page has links to other pages with information about geocaches
 in and around the Hampton Roads area.

 Virginia's Largest Geo-art is currently scheduled to be archived
the morning of  2 October,  That leaves you about 98 more days to
find those caches.  

See GC503GY for the start of this series
Go to Facebook and search for "SNAP!!! Geocaching".
Ask to join the group.
Once you are a member you can find all sorts of "HELP"
with the series/geo-art (Hint: Look in the file section).

 Till next time...
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching
On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

Friday, June 23, 2017

2 More States Checked off... plus some other updates.

Two More States checked off!!!

Nana and I took a quick trip up north last weekend to visit some relatives and help
them celebrate 50 years of marriage!  Of course, while there we did take some time to
color in two new states, Minnesota and Wisconsin!!! 

26 States!!!
  We managed to grab 7 Minnesota caches and another 5 in Wisconsin!!!
Thanks to the COs for putting out and maintaining those caches!!! 

Witch's Hat
Great Virtuals abound around Minneapolis St. Paul

Cottontail on the Trail

Virginia's Largest Geo-Art

The latest on the archiving of SNAP!!!-land (GCGC503GY) is as follows:
Due to the high number of emails requesting a hold on the archiving
of the series we have decided to wait until after the GCHR 15th Annual Picnic.
All SNAP!!!-land caches will be archived on 30 September. 

UPCOMING EVENTS - with some info

Events in Hampton Roads
 Mark your calendars – hope to see you at some of these events!
Saturday – July 1, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
Celebrate Canada Day with a Moose
** You earn a souvenir for attending this event **
Dismal Swamp Canal Boat Ramp
8:00 AM till 8:30 AM
Thursday – July 13, 2017 – Portsmouth, VA
AACC - #100
East Side Pizza
5 PM till ???
Tuesday – July 18, 2017 – Norfolk, VA
Third Tuesday Burger & Beer (hot dogs)
The Barking Dog
6 till 8 PM
Saturday – September 2, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
15th Annual Geocaching Hampton Roads Picnic
Chesapeake City Park
9 AM till 5 PM
 Till next time...
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching
On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

Under Construction

  This site is under construction but in the meantime..... Here are some pages that you might find helpful 1.  Best Geocaches in Suffolk, Vi...