Yesterday, as we were all standing around in a parking
lot trading stories about our latest tick find, geocaching mistake, or the
abundance inch worms in the area, I half-jokingly asked fellow cacher
bdramatic, to ride all the way out and check one of our SNAP caches. It is simple math really. Now that the SNAP!!!-land geo-grafitti (or
geo-art to some) has been published, Nana & I now have about 174 active
caches. The only way to know which ones
to do maintenance on is to read each and every log that we get and sometimes
even read between the lines. The problem
is: we have a few that are way out in the middle of nowhere, miles from the
nearest town, burg, city, or even intersection and those don't get found very
often. So yes, I was half joking and
half hoping she would take my offer to go check on SNAP 80 - Free Ride
(GC3HK6D) as it hadn't been attempted since June of 2013. I had explained to her, as we were soaking up
the sun at the latest AACC event (GC525CE), that it was a glorious country
ride, that you could see just about any kind of wildlife in the area, and to
top it all off, you get to take a free ferry ride, courtesy of the State of
North Carolina, after finding the cache!!!
Well - - - Thank you - - we appreciate you going all that
way!!! We hope you enjoyed the
drive. We really enjoyed your log! Logs like these are the types that make our
days!!! Kinda wish we could award
favorite points to certain logs!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!
SNAP!!! - - - Suffolk Nana & Papa