Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Lonely Cache Challenge Achieved!

Last Updated: July 25, 2024
OK - I understand the first question is probably....

What the heck is a Lonely Cache???

Any cache that you find where the last geocacher
to find that particular geocache was over a year ago.

Simple right - not really!

We thought we had previously met that qualification but could not
1) remember the geocache and,
2) could not find it by reviewing our "Found" database

Well, a review of nearby geocaches revealed there was one
particular geocache about 30 miles away from our home!!!

AND... even though it was a puzzle cache, I knew the final 
coordinates for that particular cache!!!

So all that was left was to travel a small distance, spray down really good
to ward off all the bugs and other creepy crawlies,
and then set off and hope we found the correct trail to the cache

It took us far longer to find the correct trail than we had intended...
but eventually - we found it!!!

The cache in question was GC106A4
More Pieces of Eight

and when we signed the log on June 22, 2019 - it had been
2 years, 10 months and 2 days since the last found log on the cache! 

Now all we have to do is find a Lonely Cache Challenge - 
and then go find it!!!

We have a lot of fun searching for Challenge caches.
Then you have to see if you qualify to find them!

** Note: (my favorite Website) has a Challenge checker
in the Tools section of their website where
you can check to see if you qualify
for most challenge caches - they also have a Map of Challenge Caches

That is all for now
Till next time...

Don't forget to visit our favorite Geocaching Store

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa
 - - - or just plain ol' - - -






On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

1 comment:

  1. I have a lonely cache Quickie II, its hidden in Newark, DE near the university.
    If someone wants to find it:


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 Last Updated January 4, 2025 This site is under construction  but..... I update this page as I keep adding things Here are some pages that ...