Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 Winner of the "SUPER-COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Year!

First of all, we want to thank all you readers out there:
1)  those that take the time to read our blog
2) those that leave feedback or drop us a note, an e-mail
3) or those that come up to us at a meet n greet just to say Hi!
and everyone else.  
January 2015 West Virginia Earthcache
2015 was a pretty weak year for Pam & I as I spent a lot of the year building my stamina back up after my sicknesses in 2014.
March 2015 muggles!
We did manage to found just over caches during the year which is a very low number compared to other years for us but we did have a few major accomplishments.  We attended 2015's Geowoodstock and then took a major geocaching trip up through New England and picked up quite a few of geocaches that had been on our "must do" list for quite some time.
April 2015 view from a Tennessee Virtual
We were a sponsor for GCHRs Annual picnic and had fun greeting everyone who visited our booth at the picnic.

Papa got caught in a geocache at Geowoodstock
So, enough of the small talk, let's get to the main reason for this blog.  In our second year of caching, while traveling back to Suffolk from a day of caching, we would talk about the best cache of day.  It didn't take long for this to develop into The "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day Award. 
Nana and some artillery in the mountains of southwest Virginia
The idea of a Cache of the year came to us in 2011.  We took each of the winners of the Cache of the Day and laid them all out and eventually came down to 3 or 4 best of the year.
We are in this picture somewhere!
In 2011 we took a trip to Pennsylvania and visited GC59AF: Thousand Steps Cache.  To this day both Pam & I think of it as our best cache ever and it was named the 1st SNAP!!! Cache of the Year.
Nana & I at step 1000 - hint: there are still more steps after that one!
The 2012 winner was in Smithfield, VA,  GC3PTB0: Smithfield's Porcine Parade.
Papa and one of the pigs!
In 2013 the winner was a WVTim cache.  GC44RDE - The Key is the Key.
Another great WVTim Cache
In 2014 the winner was a great Wherigo cache in Norfolk: GC4XD7M - The Hermitage Gardens: A Walking Tour - hidden by Prytz+1.


The runner up - 
A really devious cache located in Virginia Beach
Hidden by good friends geospillz - GC5KWYP - TWISTED !!!!!!
this cache took us almost 30 minutes to locate - and that was after a hint!

"SUPER-COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Year:
Go thru here
Keep walking to the end
No, you don't need to go out there - but it was fun!

Now walk a ways down this way until you get to:
about 100' - then go find it!

"SUPER-COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Year

GCT397:  Train Trestle Falls

the CO is Captain Crash and the cache is located just outside of Clarion, PA.

Just remember... you have to go back through:


Everyone please have a great 2016...

So, as always...

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!

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 Last Updated August 10, 2024 This site is under construction  but..... I update this page as I keep adding things Here are some pages that ...