Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year... and the WINNER IS......

First of all, we want to thank all you readers out there that take the time to leave feedback or drop us a note, an e-mail or come up to us at a meet n greet.  

2014 was a pretty good year for Pam & I.  We found just over 1000 caches during the year, finished # geo-arts {VTCC, The Tobacco Heritage Trail, Star Trek and Final Approach} and started one other one we have yet to finish.  We also visited 8 states, other than Virginia.

In late March, Pam & I published what is currently Virginia's largest Geo-art (or graffiti).  SNAP!!!-land contains 100 easy puzzle caches and can easily be completed in a 6 to 8 hour period.

So, enough of the small talk, let's get to the main reason for this blog.  In our second year of caching, while traveling back to Suffolk from a day of caching, we would talk about the best cache of day.  It didn't take long for this to develop into The "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day Award. 

The idea of a Cache of the year came to us in 2011.  We took each of the winners of the Cache of the Day and laid them all out and eventually came down to 3 or 4 best of the year.

In 2011 we took a trip to Pennsylvania and visited GC59AF: Thousand Steps Cache.  To this day both Pam & I think of it as our best cache ever and it was named the 1st SNAP!!! Cache of the Year.

The 2012 winner was in Smithfield, VA,  GC3PTB0: Smithfield's Porcine Parade.

Last year the winner was a WVTim cache.  GC44RDE - The Key is the Key.

So here we are, the moment of truth:

3rd Place: GC5CVD9 - NHT:  Symbols of the Cemetery - hidden by cameramoose - located in Norfolk, VA.  This is a very well put together Wherigo that teaches you about the different types of headstones and monuments.

2nd Place: GCA8E - Great Big Rock - hidden by 9ingers - located in Forsyth, NC.  This cache was hidden in May of 2001 and is well worth the visit.  A nice walk through a park and a short hike up a hill to a great location.

The 2014 WINNER of the
"EXTREMELY COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Year

GC4XD7M - The Hermitage Gardens: A Walking Tour - hidden by Prytz+1
located in Norfolk, VA
This is another really well put together Wherigo cache and it takes you on a great walking tour of one of Norfolk's hidden gems.


May everyone have a safe and Happy New Year!!!

As Always: Stay Safe & Keep Caching!

Suffolk Nana and Papa


Sunday, December 28, 2014

"EXTREMELY COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Year - Top 10

Several days ago we blogged about our Yearly award and listed the top favorite caches of those we had found in 2014.

So, just to make sure everyone is on the same Page: Most days we go caching we award favorite points to those caches we find and like.  Most of those days we will find at least one cache that really stands out.  That particular cache will be awarded the "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day award.  At the end of the year we then look at each of those winners and come up with the overall favorite cache of the year which then is awarded the "EXTREMELY COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Year!!!

Past winners were:
2013 - GC44RDE - The Key is the Key by WVTim
 2012 - GC3PTB0 - Smithfield's Porcine Parade by Chihuahuak94me 

    Since we published the last blog, Nana and I had a long discussion and managed to whittle down the list to the Top 10 Favorite Caches.  Here is the top 10 list - in no particular order.

GC3N3Z3 - wild cat alley - hidden by bambie2 - located in Beaufort, NC
GC3RE6V - a mICRO iN tHE wOODS - hidden by altbiers - located in Chesterfield, VA
GCA8E - Great Big Rock - hidden by 9ingers - located in Forsyth, NC
GC4Q2TG - Hiding From the Pandas - hidden by Team Slug Jr - located in Gloucester, VA
GC4M9FD - Can't See the Lake From Here - hidden by 2CachingClowns - located in James City, VA
GC5C50C - NHT:  I think you know my brother. - hidden by cameramoose - located in Norfolk, VA
GC5CVD9 - NHT:  Symbols of the Cemetery - hidden by cameramoose - located in Norfolk, VA
GC5ACT1 - Norfolk's Historic Triangle:  Yellow Fever, 1855 - hidden by cameramoose - located in Norfolk, VA
GC4XD7M - The Hermitage Gardens: A Walking Tour - hidden by Prytz+1 - located in Norfolk, VA
GC22V4X - SECRET AGENTS ONLY (MISSION 2) - hidden by MONTFAM - located in Currituck, NC

Congratsulations to those top 10 cache owners.  We will try to announce the overall winner around the 1st of the year.

As Always, Stay Safe & Keep Caching
Suffolk Nana & Papa

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

End of the Year

With Christmas just one more day away and the end of the year fast approaching, it is time to look at those caches we have encountered this year and loved.  We loved them so much we awarded them the "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Day Award.  Having earned that award in the year 2014 means they are all illegible for the ultimate award we hand out, The "COVETED" SNAP!!! Cache of the Year Award!!!

Here are the caches in the running for the award this year:
GC32DG3 - You've Been Mugged - hidden by Oceandrive2004 - located in Alamance, NC
GC3N3Z3 - wild cat alley - hidden by bambie2 - located in Beaufort, NC
GC568W2 - THT01 GeoArt - hidden by ththider - located in Brunswick, VA
GC4XY5M - OGL 1.5 Mile Run - Gold Award! - hidden by Prytz+1 - located in Chesapeake,VA
GC1BKG5 - Pointless Roads #1 - hidden by nemisis83 - located in Chesterfield, VA
GC3RE6V - a mICRO iN tHE wOODS - hidden by altbiers - located in Chesterfield, VA
GC22V4X - SECRET AGENTS ONLY (MISSION 2) - hidden by MONTFAM - located in Currituck, NC
GCA8E - Great Big Rock - hidden by 9ingers - located in Forsyth, NC
GC2NA1G - Blast from the past. - hidden by firemanbrad - located in Fulton, GA
GC4Q2TG - Hiding From the Pandas - hidden by Team Slug Jr - located in Gloucester, VA
GCQ7E9 - Blanche's View - hidden by FeatheredFriends - located in Guilford, NC
GC4M9FD - Can't See the Lake From Here - hidden by 2CachingClowns - located in James City, VA
GC55KEH - Don't Let This Birdhouse Send You to the Nut House - hidden by Kemallor - located in Newport News, VA
GC5DV21 - JUMP - hidden by gigiwoll - located in Newport News, VA
GC592BP - Forest Lawn Memorial CITO - hidden by cameramoose - located in Norfolk, VA
GC5C50C - NHT:  I think you know my brother. - hidden by cameramoose - located in Norfolk, VA
GC5CVD9 - NHT:  Symbols of the Cemetery - hidden by cameramoose - located in Norfolk, VA
GC5ACT1 - Norfolk's Historic Triangle:  Yellow Fever, 1855 - hidden by cameramoose - located in Norfolk, VA
GC4XD7M - The Hermitage Gardens: A Walking Tour - hidden by Prytz+1 - located in Norfolk, VA
GC40F5B - This Old Magnolia (A geoFITguy 1K Cache) - hidden by Hunster - located in Pitt, NC
GC56X01 - Ammunition #9 - hidden by TheCuppFamily - located in Virginia Beach, VA
GC4MEY5 - Bamboozled - hidden by AllstarSS - located in Virginia Beach, VA
GC53ZA0 - Duck Duck Cache - hidden by Mikey2times - located in Virginia Beach, VA
GC54YTN - Just hang in there! - hidden by Lacey1961 - located in Virginia Beach, VA
GC31ZH7 - Something is Going on Here - hidden by vabikerider - located in Virginia Beach, VA
GC54205  - Lego My Signal - hidden by GoodSunCachers - located in York, VA
GC51B0N - Sometimes you feel like a nut - hidden by dowjr - located in York, VA
GC5ERPB - ST #61 The Final Frontier... I Mean... Cache - hidden by Kemallor - located in York, VA
GCNP18 - Turkey's Delight - hidden by 5 Lost Marbles - located in York, VA

During the last few days of the year Pam & I will be looking at each of these caches trying to whittle this list down to the top 3 and finally settling on one final cache.  We will announce the winner shortly.

As Always - - - Stay Safe & Keep Caching

Suffolk Nana & Papa


Under Construction

 Last Updated August 10, 2024 This site is under construction  but..... I update this page as I keep adding things Here are some pages that ...