Monday, June 29, 2015

The LAST day of SNAP!!!'s "GeoWoodstock and more" trip

For those that are just joining us, Nana & I have had this 9 day geocaching trip scheduled for almost a year with daily TARGETs we hope to do each day.  Here is a recap of the previous days.

Day 1 Target - travel to GeoWoodstock13 - accomplished
Day 2 Target - Events prior to GeoWoodstock13 - accomplished
Day 3 Target - GeoWoodstock13 - accomplished
Day 4 Target - Train Trestle Falls (GCT397) - accomplished
Day 5 Target - State Game Lands #109 (GC184) – accomplished
Day 6 Target - The Spot (GC39) – accomplished
Day 7 Target - NH #1 - Mines Follies - accomplished
Day 8 Target - Sleepy Hollow-1 - accomplished

We really didn't want to wake up.  This was our last day of what had been a fantastic trip.  Geocaching, historical sites, plenty of Earthcaches, Virtuals, even a Webcam or 2.  We drove on the beach at Lake Erie, managed to find 2 caches in Ohio and color that state as "found".   It had been great but here was dawn of our last day.  Hopefully a few more finds before heading all the way back to Suffolk, Virginia.

We slowly packed the car and headed towards today's target cache.

But first we found this great Earthcache, GC2C1D8 Potomac Marble - an earthcache about rocks, what more could Nana want.  I can answer that, she wanted to take the rocks!  Nope, can't have that!!!

GC172 - Backyard Stash - hidden in January of 2001 this was today's Target Cache!!!  There were three parking coordinates on the cache page and I am not sure but I firmly believe I picked the one set of parking coordinates that were the farthest away from the cache!  Anyway, it was a lovely walk through the woods and we actually passed right by (within 10 feet) of parking coordinates #2 spot.  <DRAT!>   Shortly we happened upon GZ and once again, it took us far longer than it should have to find the cache.  We took the long march back to the SNAP!!!-mobile knowing we had only a few caches left on our list.

The last two caches on the list took is to a small park with a lot of history.  GC330F - Small park for a big battle is a Virtual cache in this little park.  The other cache in this same park is named after one of the Generals who dies in the battle that took place here.

Although we spent a lot of the day traveling home we did manage to find a grand total of 4, count 'em four caches today!   2 Traditional, 1 Earthcache and 1 Virtual.
Hope to see everyone at the Picnic!
Until next time...

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa!!! - - - or just plain ol' - - - SNAP!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 8 of SNAP!!!'s "GeoWoodstock13 and more" trip

For those that are just joining us, Nana & I have had this 9 day geocaching trip scheduled for almost a year with daily TARGETs we hope to do each day.  Here is a recap of the previous days.

Day 1 Target - travel to GeoWoodstock13 - accomplished
Day 2 Target - Events prior to GeoWoodstock13 - accomplished
Day 3 Target - GeoWoodstock13 - accomplished
Day 4 Target - Train Trestle Falls (GCT397) - accomplished
Day 5 Target - State Game Lands #109 (GC184) – accomplished
Day 6 Target - The Spot (GC39) – accomplished
Day 7 Target - NH #1 - Mines Follies - accomplished

We had spent the night on the edge of New Paltz NY.  This particular town was on our to do list as my relatives (from many, many, many, generations ago) founded this little town.

Nana & I spent the morning touring the historical sites and then spent an hour or so walking on the Rails to Trails path that went beside the river finding a few caches.
The actual size of the gunport
The graves at the local church showed many names I recognized from my family tree.

We had visited the town many years ago and it was nice to see how well maintained the older houses were.

Notice the size of the gun port in the fort wall!  I sure hope that whomever is attacking is coming straight at us!

We eventually left town and headed out for the target cache of the day.  Southward we drove until we reached the community of Sleepy Hollow.

GCAE - Sleepy Hollow-1 - this cache was hidden way back in November of 2000 which allowed us to color another block in on our stats.  The parking cords were right on and it made really short work the walk to this cache.  Once at GZ our minds seemingly played a game with our eyes as we wandered here and there and couldn't really find anything that looked like a cache.  It wasn't until I mentally slapped myself and stopped for a minute or two before I realized I was practically standing on top of this huge geo-pile!  Voila!  The cache!  Amazing how things just seem to blend into the scenery so well.  Favorite point awarded not only for the cache but also for the amazing scenery.

A short while later we ran into an amazing cache.  I truly think this virtual amazed me the most of any cache we found on this trip.  For no other reason than the size, the huge tree, and according to the info at GZ, the largest Oak Tree on the East Coast!

GC799B - Tie a yellow ribbon - a virtual cache in Bernardsville, NJ.  If you are anywhere near this town this Virtual Cache is a definite cache for your to-do list!!!
Look at how big that tree is!  Nana sure looks small!
GCB748 - Pickletown #1 - a nice little virtual that indeed, did have us scratching our heads until we walked the park one more time and found the invisible answer that was needed to prove we were there.

Although we spent a lot of the day touring family history we still managed to get further towards home and still managed a total of 12 caches, 10 Traditional and 2 Virtual.  Not really that bad.

Papa at the tree
Day 9's blog will cover the last day of our trip - did we manage to find the target cache for the last day???  Until then...

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!
Hope to see everyone at the Picnic!
Suffolk Nana & Papa!!! - - - or just plain ol' - - - SNAP!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 6 of SNAP!!!'s "GeoWoodstock13 and more" trip!

For those that are just joining us, Nana & I have had this 9 day geocaching trip scheduled for almost a year with daily TARGETs we hope to do each day.  Here is a recap of the previous days.
Near "Tip of the Tongue"
Day 1 Target - travel to GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 2 Target - Events prior to GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 3 Target - GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 4 Target - Train Trestle Falls (GCT397) - accomplished
Day 5 Target - State Game Lands #109 (GC184) - accomplished
Scenery on the way to "The Spot"
What follows is a brief report on some of the caches we found during day 6.
Scenery along the way to "The Path"
We started early in the morning and we made it to Naples , NY in plenty of time to get the caches in the area long before the heat set in!
The path to "The Spot"
GC2FK18 - Tip of the Tongue - this cache was on the list as the cache just before our main cache of the day.  Wonderful area, plenty of scenery and we sure are glad we sprayed down before heading in to the woods for this one!  Loved the creek running through the area near GZ.  Great cache, nice hide, favorite point awarded.
Nana at "The Spot"
GC39 - The Spot - The oldest cache east of the Mississippi had to be the TARGET cache of the day!  Parked in the coordinates for the cache and sprayed down, took, water and hiking stick and set off across the field towards the cache.  It was a beautiful day and the start of the hike to the cache (0.4 mi total) was very pleasant.  Even as the hike progressed, the downward slope of the hike only increased every once in a while.  That was until about two thirds of the way to the cache.  That is when we realized that there must be hidden cameras nearby.  This would make a good event for downhill skiing but the slopes are getting a little trying.  Eventually we found the cache.  Really not sure how anyone could possibly miss it.  Traveled all this way and now we have the oldest east coast cache under our belts... all we have to do is <gulp - as I look up that steep slope we just came down> yep - all we have to do is make it back to the SNAP!!!-mobile!  Being no where near as young as I used to be - I said to myself - let's try 50 or so steps at a time.  We can do this for sure!  Uh.... nope!  How about 20 steps at a time!
Papa resting!
I could keep going like this or I could simply tell you that there are numerous trees that now have claw marks on them from where I used them to get back up those hills!!  I remember leaning back on a tree resting for like the 2 millionth time when Nana said those 4 little words that made my day!  I was leaning up against this tree, sweat dripping off me so fast the tree was thanking me for watering it when Nana came from around the corner and said "I see the van!"  We made it!  (of course we did, I already told you it was a nine day trip!)  Note:  The distance from the parking (at N42 40.414 by W077 20.252) to the cache is 0.401 straight line miles, the elevation change is 337 feet.  Favorite point awarded, of course.
The SNAP!!!-mobile is in sight!
One of the Virtual caches we did was GCB546 - It's a Wonderful Life.  This cache was awarded a favorite point for numerous reasons.  "It's a Wonderful Life" has always been one of my favorite movies of all time but imagine my surprise when I found this Virtual that is on the bridge that was used in the movie.  Thanks to mama Bear for placing this cache here and bring a tear to my eye as we found the answers to all of your questions!
The view from the bridge at "It's a Wonderful Life"
We traveled a lot on day 6 and really didn't find but 12 caches - 7 Traditionals, 1 Earthcache and 4 Virtuals.  The good news was we awarded 6 favorite points!!!
The grave of Harriet Tubman
Day 7's blog will cover "exactly how far we will go to get Nana a "shiny white" rock as well as the caches found that day!  Until then...

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa!!! - - - or just plain ol' - - - SNAP!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Day 7 of SNAP!!!'s "GeoWoodstock13 and more" trip

For those that are just joining us, Nana & I have had this 9 day geocaching trip scheduled for almost a year with daily TARGETs we hope to do each day.  Here is a recap of the previous days.

Day 1 Target - travel to GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 2 Target - Events prior to GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 3 Target - GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 4 Target - Train Trestle Falls (GCT397) - accomplished
Day 5 Target - State Game Lands #109 (GC184) – accomplished
Day 6 Target – The Spot (GC39) – accomplished

We spent last night on the Vermont side of the Connecticut River and arose early to get a good start on the day.  I will tell you now the TARGET Cache of the day was actually any one of three caches hidden in October of 2000.  One was in New Hampshire and the other two were down around NW Boston.

After our morning coffee we entered into New Hampshire.   Back tracking here for a minute (so the story later on will make sense), yesterday, just as we were entering Vermont, I heard Nana say “Oooooooo, look and all the nice white rocks over there by the river.”  I guess I should explain that in our front yard, beside the steps that lead to the front door, there are nice flower beds that Nana takes great care of.  Each of these beds are lined with rocks that she has amassed from all of our geocaching trips over the years.  For some of them, she can tell you the story of where she found it.  She can’t remember the cache - - - but she does remember the rocks!!!  Anyway, we are making our way across New Hampshire…
It did rain while we were eating dinner!
GCMYKV – Yankee Ingenuity Webcam – we love finding webcams as they are so rare now days.  Loved the little town and gave this one a favorite point.

A really nice view
GC9E – NH#1 – Mine Follies – our TARGET cache of the day.  Located in a really nice park with a lovely river to walk beside.  It did take us a few to make the find but we managed and once again, awarded another favorite point.

On the way back to the SNAP!!!-mobile I presented Nana with a choice to make.  We could continue through our list and then make our way over to New Paltz, NY for the evening – or – since we had just marked off October 2000 from our list, we could back track two states just to see if we could find Nana some “nice white” rocks she had seen way back when we had entered Vermont yesterday afternoon.  It did not take her long to say she would love to have one of those “nice white” rocks!!!

So we ended up back tracking the same route we had just traveled and as we approached near the site where we had seen those rocks, we started looking for pull off that had decent access to the river.  We eventually found a nice spot and Nana did the best she could to almost fill both big containers we had brought with us just for rocks!!

In the end it was not a very productive day as far as geocaching was concerned but it sure was as far as rocks for the front yard and now I guess she is starting on the back yard flower beds also!  We ended the day with 8 caches total - 7 Traditionals and 1 Webcam.  We also awarded 2 favorite points!!!

Day 8's blog will cover New Paltz, NY – why we made sure to stop here - - - oh, and we will cover the target cache and all the others – our trip is almost over <sob> <sob>.  So, Until then...

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa!!! - - - or just plain ol' - - - SNAP!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Day 5 of SNAP!!!'s "GeoWoodstock13" and more" trip!

For those that are just joining us, Nana & I have had this 9 day geocaching trip scheduled for almost a year with daily TARGET caches/events we hoped to do each day.  Here is a recap of the previous days.

Day 1 Target - travel to GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 2 Target - Events prior to GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 3 Target - GeoWoodstock 13 - accomplished
Day 4 Target - Train Trestle Falls (GCT397) - accomplished

After a peaceful night's sleep just outside Meadville, PA we arose hoping today would be as productive a caching as yesterday had been.  Images of the tunnel and bridge from yesterday were still vivid in my memory as we scoped out the first caches of the day.
Near "State Game Lands #109"
Three Earthcaches as well as a rare Webcam cache were amongst our first eight caches on the day and as we parked at the parking coordinates for GC184 - State game Lands #109, our TARGET Cache for the day.  Hidden in September of 2000, finding this cache would color in another of the few blank months that remained in our stats!
Near "Fountain of Youth"
There was supposed to be a cache right here at the parking lot be it did not take but a minute or two for us to realize that the water was just a little too high for us to attempt that one.  Bug spray applied, drinking water in hand as well as the hiking stick and off we set to GZ.  Once we arrived at GZ I realized my reconnaissance of GZ from GoogleMpas had not proven 100% accurate.  I was going to need some boots to get across this ditch.  A short time later, this time armed with boots for high water, I realized that I probably could have made it without the boots as the wet mud only extended a short ways into the brush.  I quickly made the find, dropped off some trackables, signed the log and then joined Nana back on the path.  Short simple and to the point.  My only wish was that the rest of the "Target Caches" on the trip be this easy to find.
Just one of the "Auto Art"

A short ways up the road was a truly unique cache, or should I say caches.  In reality it is a Virtual Cache but there are numerous parts to this cache.  If you are ever anywhere near Erie, PA - make sure you stop by GCJ8M8 (note: be heading west on Hershey Rd as you near this cache and parking is on the side of the road).  I will try to be really careful with the pics I post as to not give away any answers to questions you have to answer to claim the find but this spot was amazing.
and another
Since Nana & I had never cached in Ohio, we drove over to the Conneaut Harbor Sand-flats and picked up two quick caches just so we could now claim Ohio in our stats.

As we left Ohio we grabbed a couple of cemetery caches before stopping by Presque Isle to grab another Virtual.  Another Virtual cache was grabbed in the east side of town before heading to GC256F - NY State Corner, which was exactly what you think it is: a nice size stone marker at the site of the "Corner" of New York State.
The monument on Presque Isle
We managed to grab a few more caches before pulling in for the night in Cuba, NY.   As day 5 closed, we were close to Day 6's Target cache, we should be able to get it and then put some miles towards the next Target.
"New York State Corner"
Day 5's totals were: 20 total caches, 3 earthcaches, 1 Web-cam, 4 Virtuals and 12 Traditionals.
there is no telling what you will see while out geocaching!
Our next blog will cover Day 6's Target Cache (of course), the cache sin between and an explanation of just how far we will go to satisfy Nana's Rock Obsession.

As Always - - - Sat Safe & Keep Caching!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or - - -  SNAP!!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 4 of SNAP!!!'s "Geowoodstock13 and more" trip.

Day 4 was supposed to start with rising from our slumber about 6 and maybe hitting the road by 7 or 7:30.  I guess it was the anticipation of the Day 4 "TARGET" cache that awoke us early, but as it ended up we were packed up and headed towards McD's for morning coffee just a few minutes after 6AM.
A mini version of the Vietnam Memorial
We grabbed a few roadside caches heading west out of Hagerstown and then proceeded slowly to the TARGET area grabbing a few caches here and there.  I had set up this trip planning to hit one main target cache each day.  While traveling between targets we mainly concentrated on 1) Virtuals, 2) Earthcaches, Memorials, and of course Nana's favorites: cemetery caches.
Circle of Soldiers Memorial
We made it up to Altoona, PA and grabbed our first Virtual of the day along with 2 cemetery caches before heading onward.  As we continued on grabbing caches here and there I managed to surprise Nana with a stop in DuBois, PA.  The city was renamed DuBois and was established as a lumber town by a relative of mine back in the 1800's.  A monument stands near the site of his grave and the view of the city from there is amazing.
Nana & Papa at the DuBois Memorial
Shortly after leaving DuBois we arrived near our TARGET cache for the day.  It must have been almost 3 years ago, while scrolling through some videos on You Tube, or maybe it was on Facebook, anyway, I happened upon this video of a cache near an old abandoned railroad tunnel and bridge.  Amazed at what the video showed, I immediately added Train Trestle Falls [GCT397] to our watch list and always planned on dropping by the next time we were in the area.
The entrance
After leaving the four lane highway, the leaving the two lane highway, then the country road, the gravel road and driving down the dirt road we turned around and found the parking spot.  We took several minutes to load up some water, apply the bug spray, grab the hiking sticks, the flashlight and change into the boots before eventually making our way down the trail.
At the entrance

Minutes later as we rounded a corner, the temperature dropped and we saw gaping before us the entrance to what must have been an awesome railroad tunnel.  There were some friendly muggles standing near their ATVs who quickly assured Nana that there were "no critters" of any sort anywhere inside the tunnel.  Ever so slowly we made our way through the tunnel (which we now know was about 0.45 miles) and slowly made our way towards the light, literally, at the end of the tunnel!

The view was fantastic, the walk out on the old trestle (which is NOT required for this cache) tested my intestinal fortitude just a little but in the end I was glad I went out as far as I did.  No, Nana did not venture out onto the bridge, in fact, she did not even make me leave the SNAP!!!-mobile keys with her before I ventured out!!!
The other side!
Would you venture out there?
All that was left from this point on, was a half mile walk down a really nice path to get to within 170 feet of the cache.  From there I will simply tell you your adventure has not ended.  I do not want to spoil all of your fun but I will tell you this:  Once we were back through the tunnel nestled snuggly in the SNAP!!!-mobile, waiting for the AC to cool us down, Both of us agreed, this cache was definitely in our top 3 caches of all time!  A real must do cache!

Part of the view
Can you see Nana?
Papa on the way back!
The cache is down this path
We finished off the day with a quick trip down the road and spent the night near Meadville, PA.  Can you guess which cache will be our TARGET for day 5??  It is really close by!

The Day 4 totals added another 18 finds for us.  1 Puzzle/Challenge, 1 Virtual and 16 Traditionals.

Our next blog will cover Day 5, the Target Cache for that day and , of course, the others we managed to squeeze in.

As Always - - Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or - - - SNAP!!!

Under Construction

 Last Updated January 4, 2025 This site is under construction  but..... I update this page as I keep adding things Here are some pages that ...