Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The final recap of our "GeoWoodstock13 and more" trip

If you have been reading the last 7 blogs you know all about our 9 day trip we call our "GeoWoodstick and more" trip.

Each day of the trip we had a mission or Target we hoped to achieve.  As it ended up, we achieved each and everyone of our Targets.

We found quite a lot of older caches and managed to fill in quite a lot of squares in out statistics.

During the 9 days we found a total of 158 caches.
1 MEGA event (of course)
1 CITO event
5 events
2 Multi caches
10 Lab caches
8 Earth caches
8 Mystery caches
12 Virtual caches
2 Web Cams
109 Traditionals

then add to that 4 Benchmarks!

What a trip - we also added Ohio to our state finds!

We had a glorious time and even though we found that many caches - - - both Nana & I are in agreement on the best cache of the trip:    GCT297 - Train Trestle Falls

There was another cache though that deserves a great mention - - GC799B - - Tie a yellow ribbon - - it is a virtual located at an old church but the surprise is the Oak Tree that is on the property.  The tree is over 600 years old and the circumference is over 18 feet.

Nana & I had a glorious time and it was a shame to have to return to work!
Hope to see everyone at the Picnic!
Don't forget the upcoming 13th Annual GCHR Picnic coming up on September 5 this year.  I will be there with a booth full of local information on geocaching, geocaches and local info.  I will have information on GSAK.  GSAK is a wonderful database-like program for organizing all your geocaching information.

Hope to see y'all out on the trails and maybe at the upcoming picnic!!!  Check out the new page just for the picnic on the right hand side of this blog!!!  It has links to a bunch of stuff I am writing.

Till then....

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!

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