Thursday, August 30, 2012

Got a reply from Delegate Chris Jones concerning VDOT

I just got home, started the old PC, checked my email and lo and behold!!! I got a reply from Delegate Chris Jones whom I met with on August 23rd. Now before you get too excited, he did just start asking questions on my/our behalf. Below is a complete copy of the email (no editing on my part).

 It was a pleasure to meet with you to review and discuss the Department of Transportation’s policy regarding geocachers. As promised, my office contacted Dennis Heuer, VDOT Hampton Roads District Administrator, for further clarification of VDOT’s existing policies. Mr. Heuer advises there are several areas of concerns to allow geocaching at transportation facilities. Some of the concerns include program oversight; no policy or procedure currently exist to regulate the activity nor is there staff allocated to administer the policy. There is also concern for the general public’s lack of knowledge about the activity and the potential response by travelers in discovering an ammo container at a rest area. However, Mr. Heuer did advise the department is inquiring with other states as they are considering the compatibility of geocaching with transportation facilities. Feel free to provide me with any additional information in the future. My best to you and your family for a very safe Labor Day weekend.


 There were several concerns on my part as I read this the first time. but then I reminded myself that things have just started (hopefully) and as we all know things move slowly. I will be in touch with Delegate Chris Jones and provide him with more info. Just wanted to keep all of you informed as things progress. Hope to everyone Saturday at the 10th Annual Picnic in Newport News. If you need more info on the picnic - click here. As Always - Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!! SNAP!!! - Suffolk Nana & Papa

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