Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The GCHR Picnic was a BLAST!!! and some other stuff too.....


In case you missed it... THE PICNIC WAS A BLAST!!!

Yes, the morning started out very foggy and drizzly, but by the time
the first hour was passing by, the sun was out and we were all having a great time!!!

KUDOS go out to the entire GCHR crew for planning
another greatt picnic, with games and fun for all ages.

A special thanks goes out to all those that volunteered at the picnic!!!

Can't wait till next year!!!
other picnic news!!!

One of the bigger things
to happen at the picnic was one of the last things to
happen before the event wrapped up.

SNAP!!!, yes yours truly, won the VERY LARGE
AMMO CAN that was the log for the GCHR 10th Annual Picnic!!!

The can needs some work... but be on the look out
for a really cool cache in Suffolk in a few months!!!

So, sometime in a few months, there will be a really neat cache
somewhere in Amazing Suffolk... or, as some of us call it...

Geo-art will be archived October 1, 2017 !!!
or sometime during that month!!!

This has been scheduled and re-scheduled more than once.
Delayed time and time again when my in box fills up with
out-of-town requests so a big group can come complete the art.
Virginia's largest geo-art.
Click HERE for the SNAP!!!-land #001.

HINT:  I have began plotting out the next art!  What will it be???

Hint #2: If you are waiting this long - get some extra help by
 looking in the FILES section of the "SNAP Geocaching" Facebook Page!!!


Bring your GPS to Norton, Virginia and join me!!!
When: starting Sept 8

What: find out exactly what a WOODBOOGER is!!!

There will be a new Geo-Trail, a new Geo-art, and 3 events.

There will also be a 50 cache geoart published on Sept. 8th. 

There will be a big event on September 9th at Flag Rock in Norton VA
for the new Woodbooger Geotrail 2017 which includes
a custom made geocoin you can receive after
completing all 20 geocaches in the trail.

Here are the events scheduled around Norton:

GC76XPR - 9/8 from 6 till 8PM
GC723NJ - 9/8 from 9 till 10PM
GC71X25 - 9/9 from 9AM till 5PM

Upcoming Events

Here is the current list of upcoming Geocaching Events (and other outings)
in and around my area (Hampton Roads).
Thursday – September 14, 2017 – Virginia Beach, VA
TWELFTH Revolution Around the Sun
Neighborhood Park
5 PM till 6:30 PM
Tuesday – September 19, 2017 – Portsmouth, VA
Third Tuesday Beer/Burgers Meet & Greet
6 PM till 8PM
Thursday – September 21, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
AACC #102
Elizabeth River Boat Landing Park
4 PM till 6PM
Saturday – September 30, 2017 – Norfolk, VA
You get a souvenir for attending this event!!!
Elmwood Cemetery
9AM till 1PM
That's All for Now!
Till next time...
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching
On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

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