Tuesday, September 26, 2017

GCHR Hidey Awards, An Announcement and other news

GCHR Hidey Awards???

What exactly are these awards???

Simply put, this is a way for geocachers to award the best
Geocaching Hides in the Hampton Roads area.

There are numerous categories and you can download the
nomination page to submit those caches you feel deserve recognition
by clicking HERE.

Here are the rules:
1. Caches must be located within 50 miles of Mile Zero in Norfolk
     (N 36° 50.847 W 076° 17.348).
2.  Must be an active cache, not archived.
3.  A cache can only be nominated for ONE category
     Exception: Cache of the Year + one other category.  
4. Caches must be Published in 2016 or 2017
     Exception: HR Hall of Fame – Cache must be placed prior to 2016
5. Cache can be a previous nominee (published in 2016-2017)
    BUT Can Not be a previous Hidey Award Winner
    Exception: Hall of Fame
6.  Recommend finding the cache before nominating it
since you must find the cache before voting for it.

Here are the different Categories
    Outstanding Traditional Cache (Small, Regular, Large)
Eligible caches must be a single-stage Traditional cache
and labeled as a Small, Regular, or Large on geocaching.com.
Outstanding Traditional Micro Cache or Not Chosen/Other
Eligible caches must be a single-stage Traditional cache and labeled
as a Micro or Not Chosen/Other on geocaching.com.
Outstanding Puzzle/Mystery Cache
Eligible caches must be listed as Puzzle/Mystery on geocaching.com.
These can be online or field puzzles, mysteries, or challenge caches.
Outstanding Multi-Cache
Eligible caches must be listed as a Multi-Cache on geocaching.com. 
Outstanding Other Cache
Eligible caches must be listed as a Virtual, Wherigo,
Letterbox Hybrid, or Earthcache on geocaching.com. 
Outstanding Historical Cache
Caches should have a Historical aspect.
All physical geocache types are eligible.
Outstanding Cache Journey
Caches can be a Hike, Paddle, or Scenic View. 
All physical cache types, Virtuals and Earthcaches are eligible.
Outstanding Cache Series/Geo-Art
Caches must be a part of a Series or Geo-Art. 
Most Creative/Innovative Cache
Caches should have a creative container.
All physical geocache types are eligible.
Cache of the Year
Caches should be the "cream of the crop" and
"best of the best" from the Hampton Roads area.
All physical cache types, Virtuals and Earthcaches are eligible.
HR Hall of Fame
Caches should be those "Legendary" caches that have been
known for being a "must-do" for several years
(must be active and placed prior to 2016).
These caches may have won Hidey Awards in the past,
but it's not a requirement.  All physical geocache
types, Virtuals and Earthcaches are eligible.

Here is the Timeline for all events surrounding the awards!

Nominations Accepted:   October 01 – October 15 @ 11:59 pm

Nominee List Publicized:    October 17

        Time to Find:    October 18 – November 30

Voting is Open:    December 1 – December 24 @ 11:59 pm

The winners will then be awarded at:

The 11th Annual Milestones M-n-G and 2018 Hidey Awards 
on Saturday 6 January 2018!!!

Upcoming Events
Here are the events in Hampton Roads coming up in the near future.
 Mark your calendars – hope to see you at some of these events!

Wednesday – September 27, 2017 – Newport News, VA
Burn 'n Brew Caching Crew (BBCC #4)
in front of Tradition Brewing Company
6:45PM till ???
Saturday – September 30, 2017 – Norfolk, VA
You get a souvenir for attending this event!!!
Elmwood Cemetery
9AM till 1PM
Tuesday – October 17, 2017 – Virginia Beach, VA
Third Tuesday Burger & Beer GCHR October
Rick’s Cafѐ
6PM till 8PM
Saturday – October 28, 2017 – Newport News, VA
9th annual Halloween meet and greet
Smoke BBQ
11AM till ???
Saturday – January 6, 2018 – Virginia Beach, VA
11th Annual Milestones M-n-G and 2018 Hidey Awards
5PM till ???



Only a few more days remain to find all the caches in the SNAP!!!-land series!!!
All 100 caches in the series will be archived on 1 October.


That's All for Now!
Till next time...
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching
On Instagram at: snap_geocaching 

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