It is hard to believe it is already the end of August!!! But that means
the 15th Annual GCHR Picnic is right around the corner - GC6WW8C -
which means a day full of geocaching fun!!!
Here is just some of what you can expect!!!
9:00 - Event officially OPENS with the UNVEILING of the LOG and GROUP PICTURE!
Welcome by Kevin Kaul, Parks Manager, Chesapeake Parks and Rec
All day: Space Coast Geocaching Store for all your geocaching supplies!
Welcome by Kevin Kaul, Parks Manager, Chesapeake Parks and Rec
All day: Space Coast Geocaching Store for all your geocaching supplies!
FYI - my FAVORITE Geocaching store
9:30- 10:30 Drop off of “Who’s Your Favorite” Container entries
9:30 Egg Hunt Opens. Purchase an egg, if it contains coordinates you’ve won
9:30- 10:30 Drop off of “Who’s Your Favorite” Container entries
9:30 Egg Hunt Opens. Purchase an egg, if it contains coordinates you’ve won
a container! Find it at the coordinates in the egg.
09:30 Geocaching 101 with Wheels.
09:30 Geocaching 101 with Wheels.
Wheels will have sample cache containers, answer questions for beginners
or anyone with questions about getting into geocaching.
09:45 - Store Opens/Chance Auction Opens
10:30 - 12:00 Geocaching Games Ammo can toss, pole caching
11:30 - 1:00 - LUNCH (Meal Ticket Required)
12:30 Winners of Geocaching Games Announced
13:00 GeoSurvivor
1:00 - Start of Door prize drawings - Check the board near
09:45 - Store Opens/Chance Auction Opens
10:30 - 12:00 Geocaching Games Ammo can toss, pole caching
11:30 - 1:00 - LUNCH (Meal Ticket Required)
12:30 Winners of Geocaching Games Announced
13:00 GeoSurvivor
1:00 - Start of Door prize drawings - Check the board near
Registration Booth for winning numbers
4:00 - Chance Auction Winners
4:00 - Chance Auction Winners
Any Unclaimed Door Prizes will be redrawn
5:00 - Event ends/Clean up begins
5:00 - Event ends/Clean up begins
Geo-art will be archived October 1, 2017 !!!
This has been scheduled and re-scheduled more than once.
Delayed time and time again when my in box fills up with
out-of-town requests so a big group can come complete the art.
Virginia's largest geo-art.
Click HERE for the SNAP!!!-land #001.
HINT: I have began plotting out the next art! What will it be???
Hint #2: If you are waiting this long - get some extra help by
looking in the FILES section of the "SNAP Geocaching" Facebook Page!!!
Upcoming Events
Here is the current list of upcoming Geocaching Events (and other outings)
in and around my area (Hampton Roads).
Wednesday – August 30, 2017 – Newport News, VA
Burn ‘n Brew Caching Crew (BBCC #3)
Traditional Brewing Company
6:45 till 9 PM
Friday – September 1, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
Friday Night Meet and Greet 2017
Indian River Community Center
5:30 till 7:00 PM
Saturday – September 2, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
15th Annual Geocaching Hampton Roads Picnic
Chesapeake City Park
9 AM till 5 PM
Thursday – September 14, 2017 – Virginia Beach, VA
TWELFTH Revolution Around the Sun
Neighborhood Park
5 PM till 6:30 PM
Tuesday – September 19, 2017 – Portsmouth, VA
Third Tuesday Beer/Burgers Meet & Greet
6 PM till 8PM
- Not Published Yet -
Thursday – September 21, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
AACC #102
Elizabeth River Boat Landing Park
4 PM till 6PM
Saturday – September 30, 2017 – Norfolk, VA
You get a souvenir for attending this event!!!
Elmwood Cemetery
9AM till 1PM
Bring your GPS to Norton, Virginia and join me!!!
When: starting Sept 8
What: find out exactly what a WOODBOOGER is!!!
There will be a new Geo-Trail, a new Geo-art, and 3 events.
There will also be a 50 cache geoart published on Sept. 8th.
There will be a big event on September 9th at Flag Rock in Norton VA
for the new Woodbooger Geotrail 2017 which includes
a custom made geocoin you can receive after
completing all 20 geocaches in the trail.
Here are the events scheduled around Norton:
GC76XPR - 9/8 from 6 till 8PM
GC723NJ - 9/8 from 9 till 10PM
GC71X25 - 9/9 from 9AM till 5PM
That's All for Now!
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