Monday, July 29, 2013

1 Day, 6 hours, 1 find - what a great cache!!!!

One of the main reasons Nana & I got hooked on geocaching was the places it takes you and the things you can learn.  Saturday, July 27th, we were part of a group of 11 cachers that had the opportunity not only to tour several historic locations, by the end of the day, we also found the cache!!!  The cache in question is GC44NEP - Colonial Treasure.

The CO (cache owner), Scottish Calvaryman, has several interesting caches in the area that have themes patterned after different Indiana Jones' movies.  This particular cache is patterned loosely on the movie National Treasure.

Without giving to much away, we started out on downtown historic Williamsburg at about 9:30 AM.  We quickly figured out which of the historic sites we needed to visit and then spent some time touring the grounds of the site trying to gather the information we needed to solve the puzzle for the next stage.  It took some help from one of the volunteers at the site but we eventually managed to finish our calculations and set off down the road to another historic site.

At this point in the story I will tell you that there is quite a lot of driving involved with the puzzle cache but the time spent going from one site to another was well worth the time.  This is explained in the hint on the cache page.

A short time later we were at another historic site and quickly confirmed we were at the right location.  That being said, knowing you are at the right location is quite different from figuring out the puzzle.  This stage took us the longest but once we stumbled our way to a solution we all gathered back into the vans and set off once again to another fantastic historic location.

The third location was full of history and some of our group got distracted by all the history as the rest of us finally wandered around until the solution presented itself.

Back into the vans and off to the final stage of this cache.  At the start of the day we figured we would have at quite a hike to the final location but we located a place to park far closer than we had even dreamed we would.   11 geocachers wandering through the woods, jumping small creeks and dodging the ever-present spider webs we have all grown to love.  The final cache revealed itself slowly but we did manage to make the find a mere 6 hours after starting out.  Now to be honest there was an hour lunch break in there along the way.

6 hours for one find may frustrate some cachers but his cache was well worth the time.  I can only imagine all the work that went into creating this cache.  Historic locations, fantastic scenery and a great chance to learn facts about history - - - what more could you ask for on a summer afternoon.

As always - State Safe & Keep Caching!!!

SNAP!!! - Suffolk Nana & Papa

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