Sunday, May 21, 2017

SLOGGERS Outing #4 was GREAT!!! - and more info

SLOGGERS Outing #4

SLOGGERS Outing #4 was a great success!!!

A little over 3 miles walked, 15 caches on the list and
we added another two (for some) so 17 were found.
We had a great time with the biggest turnout so far!!!

It was very humid and warm and the start of the day but when we were at our
13th cache on the list the wind picked up.
By cache # 15 there were jokes about being blown away!

17 finds for most of the group
We then made our way about 2 miles north and had a great lunch - WITH Outdoor seating

Hope y'all come out and join us for our 5th Outing in June!!!

Virginia's Largest Geo-Art

The latest on the archiving of SNAP!!!-land is as follows:
Due to the high number of emails requesting a hold on the archiving
of the series we have decided to wait until after the GCHR 15th Annual Picnic.
Archiving of the series will now be towards the end of September. 

UPCOMING EVENTS - with some info

Wednesday – May 24 – Chesapeake, VA
AACC - May 24, 2017 - #97
Chesapeake City Park
3:30 till 5:30 PM
Wednesday – June 7 – Newport News, VA
Burn 'n Brew Caching Crew (BBCC #1)
Traditional Brewery
6:45 till 8:00 PM
Thursday – June 8 – Chesapeake, VA
AACC - June 8, 2017 - #98
Chesapeake City Park
4 till 6 PM
Saturday – September 2, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
15th Annual Geocaching Hampton Roads Picnic
Chesapeake City Park
This is our BIG event each year
come on out and meet geocachers from across the globe!
9 AM till 5 PM
 Till next time...
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching
On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

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