Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Update on this blog and the near future

I have been working on some of the background pages associated with this blog and thought the time was right to bring you up to date on what is happening.

First of all:

Yes, September 3rd is a few months away - but we want to be ready!!! Have you been to the Picnic Registration site? The Picnic Facebook Page?

If you are on the main page of this blog and look to the right, the 2nd page listed there should be my page for this year's picnic.  Clicking on that will take you to where I have all sorts of information for you about the Mega Event.  I will be working on updating this page and all the linked pages several days a week until it is complete.

NEW SNAP!!! Caches

Here is the updated status of the new SNAP!!! (post-retirement) caches:

  • April's HARD cache: GC6BBVV - Nana thinks Papa Has SNAPPED!!! has been found 3 times with 3 favorite points!!!  Beware, the difficulty on this one is set at "4" and that is for the puzzle!
  • April's easy cache: GC6G5BZ - Take the High Road with SNAP!!! has been found 9 times with 3 favorite points.  It is a 1/1 cache (yes - it is wheelchair accessible) and has a tremendous view!!!
  • May's easy cache:  This will be a LARGE cache and I am basically waiting for the rain to stop and thinking of adding a twist by making it a "SMART" phone cache.
  • May's HARD cache.  Thinking of doing something along the lines of a "SMART" phone cache but not sure yet.

Need some input from the bicyclists in the group

The new SNAP!!! 4X4 finally got it's hitch installed and I am dusting off the old bike carrier.  Now, I need a good recommendation for a bike.  I am not going with a "no speed" beach cruiser but I do not need to be a speed demon either.  Most of the riding I do is on "Rails to Trails" but some of them are dirt.  I am also interested in biking False Cape so I need a bike that can handle the sand.  Please keep in mind, I am no spring chicken either.  Oh, and I weigh just over 200 pounds and need to carry water with me... and I may be retired but I ain't rich!  ANYWAY...

Which Bike would you recommend for me?    

That's it for now - think we will hit some of the caches in North Carolina this weekend.

Till next time!!!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

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Under Construction

  This site is under construction but in the meantime..... Here are some pages that you might find helpful 1.  Best Geocaches in Suffolk, Vi...