Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Quick notes

Here is an important countdown of dates you might be interested in

13 - Only 13 more days until the GCHR Picnic store closes!!!

Yes - hurry on by and place your orders for merchandise, meals, etc.
The store closes at Midnight July 31, 2017!!!
Click HERE for the link to the site

46 - Only 46 more days until the GCHR Picnic!!!

Remember, the picnic is being held at the Chesapeake City Park
this year which is just off of Greenbriar Dr in Chesapeake!!!
Click HERE for the picnic Facebook page

74 - Only 74 more days until the SNAP!!!-land
Geo-art is archived!!!

This has been scheduled and re-scheduled more than once.
Delayed time and time again when my in box fills up with
out-of-town requests so a big group can come complete the art.
Virginia's largest geo-art.
Click HERE for the SNAP!!!-land #001.

312 - Only 312 more days until GeoWoodstock 2018!!!

The registration site is already open and hotel rooms are going fast!!!
Click HERE for the GeoWoodstock 2018 page.

Another Thank you

Thanks to everyone who showed up for AACC #100 - we had a great crowd!!!
Our local GeoWoodstock Ambassador, Lynne, talked to us about all the
happenings and plans for next year's event and from what I saw
Everyone had a great time!!!


Events in Hampton Roads
 Mark your calendars – hope to see you at some of these events!
Tuesday – July 18, 2017 – Norfolk, VA
Third Tuesday Burger & Beer (hot dogs)
The Barking Dog
6 till 8 PM
Wednesday – July 19, 2017 – Newport News, VA
Burn 'n Brew Caching Crew (BBCC #2)
Tradition Brewery
6:45 till 9 PM
Saturday – July 22, 2017 – Virginia Beach, VA
Ezio10 Visits Virginia Beach
Kemps Landing Park
4 till 6 PM
Saturday – August 24, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
AACC #101
Chesapeake City Park
4 till 6 PM
Saturday – September 2, 2017 – Chesapeake, VA
15th Annual Geocaching Hampton Roads Picnic
Chesapeake City Park
9 AM till 5 PM

The Lost Treasure of Mary Hyde

Did everyone get their first souvenir in the new geocaching pirate treasure hunt.
You and your team of friends must earn a total of 30 coins
 between now and July 23rd to earn your second souvenir!!!

Souvenir #1
The Best Caches in Hampton Roads

On the right hand side of this blog there is a list of pages.
Among those pages are lists of the best caches
in each of the Hampton Roads cities/counties
as well as a list of others we recommend.
I try to update each of the pages at least twice a year.
The lists are based on the number of favorite points
each cache receives.
Feel free to check them out!!!

That's All for Now!
Till next time...
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching
On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

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Under Construction

  This site is under construction but in the meantime..... Here are some pages that you might find helpful 1.  Best Geocaches in Suffolk, Vi...