Monday, July 3, 2017

GeoWoodstock 2018

I must say I am impressed!!!
Yesterday, at our local Canada Day event, our local GeoWoodstock
Ambassador gave a short presentation that covered the preparations,
plans and activities that have already started for next year's GeoWoodstock.

After meeting and talking with Lynne, our local Ambassador,
and hearing about all the things that are planned for next year - I
will admit - I am already talking with Nana about the possibility
of us making the trip to Cincinnati!!!

Here is just some of the information I received and can share:
1)  Here is a list of the Night Caches all within 35 miles of GZ
(most within 20)

2)  A new, Official, Greater Cincinnati GeoTour is currently being built!

3)  The OCB, Original Can of Beans will be at the event.
It will be it's last showing, EVER in the U.S. and Canada
because the guy who owns it is retiring it!!!
This is the only remaining artifact from the original
hide, that inspired Geocaching.

4)  Camping with a Friday night bash is coming.

5)  Saturday night will have "Midnight Madness" INSIDE the

 amusement park,  after closes!
 It is a massive buy/sell/trade exchange of geocoins.

6)  The VIP registration will have MORE THAN 20 minted pieces.
 (6 of them are pathtags.)

7)  First 5000 people get a free trackable.

8)  We are expecting to go Giga!
This is an event that expects to bring 5,000+ people.

9)  It's the same weekend as Taste of Cincinnati,
one of the nation's largest food festival. (Maybe the largest.)

10)  There is already an established DONUT GeoTour and
several GeoTrails with coins in the area.

11)  Registration and hotel bookings can be found on the website.

12)  The venue does have free WiFi.

13)  They are still planning all the camping sites
 and will announce it soon - it will be within 25 miles.

14) Also, while the main event will be at the Amusement Park. The majority of
 the other events will  be other events most likely at the fairgrounds.

I will publish more info here as I receive it.
If you have any specific questions - leave them as feedback
 or a comment and I will forward them to our ambassador
Don't forget our local GCHR Picnic - GC6WW8C
more info on that event in my next blog!
 Till next time...
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching
On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

1 comment:

  1. The night caches are all within 35 miles. Most are within 20 miles. Other than that, everything else is very accurate.


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