Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2014 - The Year in Review

Didn't really think I would have much to blog about when I first thought of running just our stats for just 2014.  Then I ran them and learned a few things.

First the obvious stuff:

2014 was not a very good caching year for us.  We found just over 1000 caches, 1036 to be exact.

We cached  only 89 days which is partially the reason for the low numbers but also my health was less than lackluster 2014.

As far as the breakdown of our 1036 finds, 591 traditional, 275 mystery, 92 multi, 46 events, 6 Wherigo, 6 letterbox, 5 earth and 5 virtual, 3 CITO, 1 webcam and 1 Mega event.  Add to that 5 Lab caches, 18 Benchmarks and 167 Waymarks.

Nana & I took several trips during the year which accounts for the 9 different states we visited.   In late February we accepted an invite to Geo Fest in the Park just outside of Auburn, Alabama and had a terrific time meeting some old friends and making some new ones.  The Auburn area was gorgeous and we really enjoyed the event.

In July Nana & I went touring State Parks in not only Virginia but in Maryland and Delaware.  Along the way we picked up our oldest geocache for the year, GC2DC, Mason-Dixon-A3.  Originally hidden in  February 2001 we also picked up one of the most talked about travel bugs we have ever found at that location.  We carried it with us until the GCHR Mega-event in late August and everywhere we took it, cachers were not only amused but amazed.

We made two other trips during the year and both were for other reasons but we did manage to get in some minor geocaching while visiting colleges in Tennessee and Kentucky.

So, what one thing surprised me the most by running just our 2014 stats.  We never found a cache on Monday during the entire year.  Less than a handful Wednesdays also but absolutely no Mondays.  We will have to see if we can change that during the upcoming year.

We covered a good portion of the D/T grid including 3 5/5 caches!

We completed several different Geo Art projects during the year including: Final Approach (north of Greensboro, NC), Star Trek (Hampton, VA), Tobacco Heritage Trail (Brunswick, VA) and Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets (also in Hampton, VA).  We also started but have yet to complete The Beaver Trail geo-art in Gloucester, VA.

Our major accomplishment during 2014 happened on March 22.  Nana & I successfully launched what is currently Virginia's largest geo-art.  SNAP!!!-land.  Located in Suffolk Virginia the art is composed of exactly 100 caches.  Since it was published on that March morning over 88 cachers have completed the entire series, some coming from several states away specifically just to complete the series.

Goals for 2015:
1) Find about 1500 caches (which will put us over the 8000 finds mark)
2) Attend at least 2 Mega-events
3) Find caches in at least 3 more states

We hope to run into some of you during the year.  Everyone please - Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa


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