Thursday, February 21, 2013

Large Geocaches

After a day (or several weeks) of finding Nano, Micro and Small Geocaches nothing will brighten your day like stumbling upon a large geocache.  In an effort to help you get some really big smiles I have combined this list of the large geocaches around the Hampton Roads area.  DISCLAIMER: The following geocaches are listed as LARGE which doesn’t mean that some of the cache owners didn’t have a trick or two up their sleeves.  

Working from the peninsula southward they are:

Peninsula Toy Box, GCMPHF, a 1.5/1.5 cache located deep in the wilds of Newport News Park and hidden by VA CHB.  Nana & I really enjoyed the hike to this one!  Originally hidden on Feb 5, 2005.

Turkey's Delight, GCNP18, another 1.5/1.5 cache also located deep in Newport News Park but hidden by 5 Lost Marbles.  Although Nana & I haven’t tried this one yet it is on our list!  Originally hidden on Apr 28, 2005.

Raiders of the Lost Ark, GC34RA8, a rather unique and very well put together 3.5/2.5 cache located in the woods just south of Newport News Park and hidden by Scottish Cavaleryman.  This cache earned both a favorite point and was Named the winner of the “COVETED” SNAP!!! Cache of the Day award back on January 29th, 2012.  This cache is a multiple Hidey Award Winner!!!  Originally hidden on Oct 7, 2011.

Crater Raider, GC2K86H, another cache on our to-do list.  This is a 3/1.5 cache located just north-east of the Newport News-Williamsburg Airport.  Originally hidden by RiverratJTAC on Dec 19, 2010.

Forgot the Galoshes!, GC2KKBE, a 3/2 cache located just west on Denbigh.  A short hike will reveal this cache to you!  Originally hidden on Dec 24, 201 by RiverratJTAC.

The tackle box, GC3WFP4, another cache on our to-do list – this is a 3/2 cache located on the Poquoson waterfront  and hidden by DiddyK1 on Sep 9, 2012.

It's a Log Way Home, GC3NNJJ is a 2.5/3 cache located in Riverfarm Park near Oyster Point.  You will enjoy this large park.  Hidden by Vaalltheway and originally hidden on June 16, 2012.

A Cache for Jay Before He Croaks., GC14JXV.  This is a tricky 5/5 cache located in Northside Park in Norfolk.  This cache earned a favorite point from Nana & I.  Hidden by seymorechase on Jul 23, 2007.

H.R. Curse of the FTF # 21 - Lone Star Lakes, GC20TF8.  Located in Lone Star Lakes Park out here in Suffolk.  This is a 2/2.5 cache hidden by Eddienadeddie on Nov 8, 2009.

High Five, GC3Y6ZK.  The camo job on this cache is amazing!  Located in Bennetts Creek Park in Suffolk, this is a 2.5/3 cache hidden by toystory2 on Oct 6, 2012.  This cache earned a favorite point from Nana & I and was the Winner of the “COVETED” SNAP!!! Cache of the Day Award!!!

 Lie in Our Graves, GC1HPZW.  This is another cache on our to-do list but we have logged a DNF at least once on this one.  Hidden in Virginia Beach near Norfolk Avenue this is a 3/4.5 cache hidden by DMB4Life on Oct 31, 2008.

Briar Patch , GC363YK is a 2/3.5 cache located in Sleepy Hole Park in Suffolk.  An interesting cache location with a really nice view of the river.  Hidden by toystory2 on Oct 16, 2011.

Joe Isuzu, GC24BAR.  A 4.5/4.5 Cache located just off of Military Highway in Chesapeake.  This cache earned a favorite point from Nana & I and was hidden by Little Joe on Feb 25, 2010.

Hunt Club Farm, GCKMPG is a 1/1.5 cache located at a business just off of London Bridge Road in Virginia Beach.  This cache was hidden by tomcatATgod on Sep 23, 2004.

Duplicity, GC2X8RW is a 4/5 cache located just off of N Battlefield Blvd in Chesapeake.  A rather unique cache hidden by the Adventure Stones on May 30, 2011.

Southside Toy Box, GCMMJT.  Believe it or not this cahce is still on our to-do list as every time we think about heading out this way it rains.  Located in the Princess Anne section of Virginia Beach this is a 1/1.5 cache hidden by Episcodad.

SNAP 26 - A Nice Walk In The Woods ?!?, GC2H5G5.  Bring your mosquito spray if you attempt this one in the summer.  This cache is located near a boat ramp in Suffolk.  Rated a 2.5/3 cache and was hidden by Nana & I on Oct 23, 2010.

SNAP 35 - CD Exchange, GC2PCE8.  Located near downtown Suffolk, it is a short walk to make the find.  This cache was hidden by Nana & I and is rated a 2/2.5 cache and was originally hidden on Feb 26, 2011.

SSL #17 Welcome To the Jungle, GC44CCT.  At this time of year you should have no problem getting to this cache but beware in the Spring and Summer months.  Rated a 3/4.5, this very simple puzzle cache was just hidden (Jan 13, 2013) in Cypress Park in Suffolk by S&Slaird.

Hole In One, GC14769.  Watch out for flying golf balls when you go to the Las Gaviotas area of Chesapeake.  This cache is rated 1/1 and was hidden by CookieFinder on July 8, 2007.

Stop, Drop, and Roll, GC24WHB.  Another cache on our to-do list, this cache is located in Northwest River Park in southern Chesapeake.  Rated 2.5/3.5 this cache was hidden by TandA21on Mar10, 2010.

There are four more large geocaches located between the Virginia state line and Edenton.  Nana & I have only done one of them but we plan on trying for the others when we head down that way for the Elizabeth City Meet n Greet on March 3rd (see GC453AE).

The Treasure of Tull's Bay; Tiffani #8, GC3BBJ4.  Located just over the Virginia state line this is part of the Tulls Bay series.  Rated a 2/2 it was hidden by knotfamilyfyte on Jan 22, 2012.

Which Came First?, GC3P9K1 is located just off route 17 on the way to Elizabeth City.  The cache is rated as a 1.5/1.5 and was hidden by pattycake3 on Jun 25, 2012.

Chicken Scratch, GC3WY8F was also hidden by pattycake3 and is just south of Elizabeth City.  It is rated as a 2/3 cache and was hidden on Sep 16, 2012.

Rocky Hock Buggy, GC3XCVM.  Another pattycake3 cache that is located a little further south (just north of Edenton, NC).  It is rated 1.5/1.5 and was hidden on Sep 23, 2012.

Of course there are other large caches out there for you to find: 5 in the Richmond area, several on the Outer Banks but the list above was a breakdown of those in the Hampton Roads area.

As always, Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

SNAP!!! – Suffolk Nana & Papa

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