Monday, August 15, 2016

Last Weekend your Mission Was.... and other news

So last weekend, if you had the inside scoop, and if you accepted the mission, you found a Multi-cache and received your new souvenir.

A couple of weeks ago, the mission was to find a cache with 10 or more favorite points.  If you did, you received this souvenir.

Starting this Friday, August 19 premium members will start receiving their next coded message.  Once solved, they will know what the next souvenir to be awarded will be and what they must do to qualify for that souvenir.  Stay tuned - more information to follow.


Mark your calendars – the date for the next GCHR Picnic is fast approaching.
I will be there and hope to run into all of you - please do not hesitate to come up and say HI!
Friday – September 2 – Newport News, VA
GC6NACQ – Friday Night Meet and Greet
Denbigh Community Center
6:30 till 8:30 PM
Saturday – 9/3 – Newport News, VA
GC644HX - 14th Annual GCHR Picnic – MEGA EVENT
Newport News Park
Sunday – September 4 – Newport News, VA
GC6P99T – Sunday Morning Farewell
Belgian Waffle and Steak House
8 – 9AM

Blog Updates

On the right hand side of this page is a list of links to other pages.  Most have been updated with information you might find useful if you are coming to the picnic.

Hopefully these pages will help.

Among the list are:

Till next time!!!
Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa - - - or just plain ol' - - - -  SNAP!!!  

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