Top Caches in Poquoson Virginia

Last Updated: January 30, 2023

Here is the list for Poquoson
top caches based on favorite points earned:

1.    GC90GHF – Welcome to Poquoson 2
40 favorite points
hidden by J&LeeBee

2.   GC80MWY – Poquoson Museum
28 favorite points
hidden by J&Leebee
Another very nice hide.

3.    GC80MW2 - Soccer Anyone?
27 favorite points
hidden by: J&Leebee
located in Poquoson, VA
a rather clever little hide!!!

4.    GC93T4H – Oxford Run Trail #6
21 favorite points
hidden by J&Leebee

2 caches are tied for the #5 spot.    

GC43QYG – POQ 52: how to Build a Backyard on the Bay
12 favorite points
hidden by Evertidal
This Eathecache will take
you to a very scenic location.

NOTE from SNAP!!!: The scenery is well worth the visit to this cache.


GC90HKC -  Oxford Run Trail #1
12 favorite points
hidden by J&Leebee


That is all for now
Till next time...

Don't forget to visit our favorite Geocaching Store
Space Coast Geo-Store

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa

 - - - or just plain ol' - - -






On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching

On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

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