Top Caches in Hampton Virginia

Last Updated: January 30, 2023

1.     GC7B6VP – Fort Monroe - Virtual Reward
83 favorite points
hidden  by AllstarSS
This is one of the Virtual Reward Caches and well worth the visit.

Note from SNAP!!!:  GREAT! CACHE!!!

2.    GC2V4ED – From Her Bedroom Window II
53 favorite points
hidden by GrandpaGene.
A cute cache located in a nice neighborhood.

Note from SNAP!!!: A very nice neighborhood cache located in a cachers front yard.

3.    GCGM7A – A Grand View Cache
43 favorite points
hidden by CraZy Cache
This is Hampton’s oldest active cache and is located a nice walk down
the beach from parking.

Note from SNAP!!!: Be prepared to really enjoy a nice walk down the beach!

4.  GC7HB7K - Free WiFi?
27 Favorite Points
hidden by: KWrightVA
a unique puzzle cache

5.    GC6W37V – Scientia est Potestas
24 favorite points
hidden by GrandpaGene
This is a nice library cache.

6.  GC3YAXT - Rig My Ship
23 Favorite Points
hidden by: Steve-n-Kim
a really nice puzzle cache

7.  GC8HD6G - The Cache Awakens
20 Favorite points
hidden by: GeoBlox
a very nice regular sized cache!

8.    GCVRQ7 – St. John's Cemetery
18 favorite points
hidden by Episcodad
A really nice cemetery cache.

9.   GC7PA06 - Fast Cars and Faster Imagination
17 favorite points
hidden by J&Leebee

A TIE for #10.   GC4GN2M – Limberakis Gerakaris
16 favorite points
hidden by Buffalo113
Another difficult puzzle rated at a 5/3.  Tricky
 but solvable and takes you for a nice walk on the beach!

Note from SNAP!!!: A tough puzzle but a great location!!!


16 favorite points
hidden by GrandpaGene
Another quick one!


Suffolk Nana & Papa
 - - - or just plain ol' - - -






On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching

On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

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