Top Geoaches in Newport News Virginia

Last Updated: January 30, 2023

City of Newport News

top caches based on favorite points earned:

1. GC1HB4T – Ghost Train: Next Stop Boxwood Inn
123 favorite points – hidden by Zazth@CO and adopted by BillHSKC
With the ongoing restoration of the train station on one
side and the Boxwood Inn on the other, the CO felt
this to be an ideal location for a cache. Yes, the tracks
here are still active just not in the same respect as they
were many years ago.

Note from SNAP!!!: Loved not only the cache but the area.  Plenty of history here.

2.    GCDDBA -   Monitor Merrimac Battle Overlook - 
66 favorite points - hidden by: HJS
This very old virtual is well worth the visit!!!


3.  GC15P9T – Larry’s Pawn Shop  TB EXCHANGE
59 favorite points – hidden by Thor24
This cache is located in Noland Park
surrounding the Mariner’s Museum.  A great cache!!!

Note from SNAP!!!:  Located near the Mariner's Museum in Noland park.  A must get cache!

4.  GC1HTDK – Thanx for the ride, Lady…
58 favorite points – originally hidden by Zazth
this cache was adopted by Ibwacko and then BillHSKC
This is located like a park n grab but comes with
a unique twist!!!

Note from SNAP!!!: This cache brought a smile to our faces!

5. GC29RNC – Camp Patrick Henry
25 favorite points - Adopted by BillHSKC 

you can solve the puzzle without leaving the house

 That is all for now

Don't forget to visit our favorite Geocaching Store

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa
 - - - or just plain ol' - - -






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