Top Caches in York County Virginia

Last Updated: January 30, 2023

York County – top caches 
based on favorite points earned:

Note: parts of Newport News Park
reside inside York county

1.    GC1D0HG – Waller Mill Overlook
232 favorite points
hidden by va griz
This cache is located a short walk away from parking

  Note from SNAP!!!: This is a beautiful location and a tricky little hide!

2.    GC2BAF – The Cave
206 favorite points
hidden by The-Colemans
This virtual cache is located just east of Newport
News Park on the shores of the York River

Note from SNAP!!!: A virtual with some history - doesn't get much better than that!

3.   GC6MV0K - Fire Station #4 to the Rescue!
149 Favorite points
hidden by J&Leebee
another favorite of ours!

4.    GC8AEF – The Lost Day
135 favorite points
hidden by Kingsman
This is another Virtual Cache located near Yorktown.

Note from SNAP!!!: Another Virtual with history!

5.    GC54205 – Lego My Signal
131 favorite points
hidden by GoodSunCachers & adopted  by KWrightVA. 
This is a cute little puzzle cache
This is NOT a difficult puzzle and
I promise you that it will bring a smile to your face.

Note from SNAP!!!: Are you good with jigsaw puzzles?

6.    GC6050W – Bye bye birdie
101 favorite points
hidden by Eversandy
A very nice Multi-cache located right on the Yorktown Beach

Note from SNAP!!!: Great picture opportunity here!!!

7.    GC322EM – 403’s Boo Boo Box Hide-out
84 favorite points
hidden by GeoMunster1313
This could either be a Park n Grab or it
could leave you scratching your head!

Note from SNAP!!!: Tricky, tricky, tricky - - but a favorite!

8.    GCGERG – The Source
81 favorite points
hidden by Cacheola Crew
Another Virtual cache and this one is quite a hike but
there are some parking locations nearby.

Note from SNAP!!!: A very nice hike to this Virtual cache!

9.     GC1YBHP – How To Anchor a Beach in a River: Yorktown Beach
74 favorite points
hidden by CacheBeagle
This is a great Earthcache  - be prepared for a long but scenic hike!

Note from SNAP!!!: One of our favorites

10.     GC602XB – Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater
72  favorite points
hidden by FLtravelers
Another great Earthcache!


That is all for now
Till next time...

Don't forget to visit our favorite Geocaching Store
Space Coast Geo-Store

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa

 - - - or just plain ol' - - -






On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching

On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

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