Top Caches in Gloucester County Virginia

Last Updated: January 30, 2023 

Gloucester County – Top caches 

based on favorite points earned:

Note: If you are crossing the Coleman Bridge from York County into Gloucester County - there is a small toll although they do NOT charge you to leave and come back!!!

1.  GC2TC8J – License To Cache
40 favorite points
hidden by MermerCheese&LugNut
A cute little micro cache.
Located just off the main highway to Gloucester.

2.   GC2Q4B1 – All Tangled Up
35 favorite points
hidden by Dr. Dragon
This regular container is hidden on the CO’s property
 just north of Gloucester.
Note from SNAP!!! - A really nice cache!!!

3.   GC50FDG - The Beaver Trail #1
12 favorite points -
hidden by Rivahcntrygeocachers
the start of the Beaver Geo-Art
that surrounds Beaverdam Lake

That is all for now

Don't forget to visit our favorite Geocaching Store
Space Coast Geo-Store

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa
 - - - or just plain ol' - - -






On Twitter at: @SNAPgeocaching

On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

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