Best Caches in Suffolk

Last Updated: July 24, 2024

Here is the list for Suffolk

top caches based on percentage of favorite points earned vs total finds
For more info on % Favoites, See under statistics
1.   GC8YPPN – CACHE-OPOLY (V2) - Just Hangin' Around
85.71% - 30 Favorite points out of 35 finds
hidden by SNAP!!!

2. GC44PNY – I Can't Find My Finger
60.56%  - 43 favorite points out of 86 finds
hidden by southtexas

3. GC44PQW – Something to Chew On
43.1% - 25 favorite points out of 71 finds
hidden by steve-n-kim

4. GC8Z6H6 – Stop and Smell the Roses
42.42% - 14 favorite points out of 35 finds
hidden by gina2771

5. GC59Q49 – Antipodean Lumberjack!
41.67% - 10 favorite points out of 25 finds
hidden by Adopted by Treasure Steve

6.  GC44QVN – A Waymark, A Benchmark and A Chirp!!!
37.86% - 39 favorite points out of 118 finds
hidden by SNAP!!!  
you need a chirp capable GPS or smart phone
Contact me if you need help!

7.  GC8YPPJ – Very Deceptive Or Tricky
   37.74% - 20 favorite points out of 77 finds
hidden by SNAP!!!

8.  GC745W9 – Suffolk Libraries - Morgan Memorial
   31.67% - 19 favorite points out of 71 finds
hidden by SNAP!!!

9. GC75V4KSuffolk Libraries - Northern Suffolk Branch
30% - 15 Favorite Points out of 68 finds
hidden by SNAP!!!

10. GC92PE6 - Stay Hydrated
27.5% - 11 Favorite Points our of 43 finds
hidden by gina2771

 That is all for now

Don't forget to visit our favorite Geocaching Store

Stay Safe & Keep Caching!!!

Suffolk Nana & Papa
 - - - or just plain ol' - - -






On Instagram at: snap_geocaching

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